Posted: March 17th, 2023
Organisational Psychology – Report Plan (Mini lit review
Below is the scenario tto gain an idea of why/what/how etc.
You are part of a management consultant team at the most successful and overpaid consulting firm. You have been employed by a Senior Manager of Company X (Company X could be a café, restaurant, a bank or part of the retail industry) to make recommendations for improving the motivation and performance of employees. In your role as a consultant you have decided that you will conduct interviews with both a manager at Company X, in order to gain an insight into the level of employee motivation and possible procedures for enhancing motivation and performance. After conducting your interview, you will submit a report to the Senior Manager.
Although the general topic is employee motivation you may also investigate what motivates the manager and their views on specific topics such as; intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, motivation of employees of different ages or life/ work (part time or full time) responsibilities.
You are required to submit a report plan which includes a brief outline of the references you will be using in your final report and your interview guide.
Organisational Psychology – Report Plan (Mini lit review
The aim of the report is for you to gain an in-depth understanding of an important topic relating to organisational psychology such as employee motivation. The first part of this assessment is the submission of a report plan and your interview guide.
800 words
You are part of a management consultant team at the most successful and overpaid consulting firm. You have been employed by a Senior Manager of Company X (Company X could be a café, restaurant, a bank or part of the retail industry) to make recommendations for improving the motivation and performance of employees. In your role as a consultant you have decided that you will conduct interviews with both a manager at Company X, in order to gain an insight into the level of employee motivation and possible procedures for enhancing motivation and performance. After conducting your interview, you will submit a report to the Senior Manager.
Although the general topic is employee motivation you may also investigate what motivates the manager and their views on specific topics such as; intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, motivation of employees of different ages or life/ work (part time or full time) responsibilities.
You are required to submit a report plan which includes a brief outline of the references you will be using in your final report and your interview guide.
1. Undertake research on work motivation, motivation theories, motivation in service industries and studies that have examined employee motivation. Although your focus will be on the manager’s perspective of employee motivation, you may also look at what motivates managers and other topics such as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, motivation of employees of different ages or life/ work circumstances.
2. After researching your topic, you need to provide a brief outline of the references you will be using and in what part of the introduction:
a) Definition of motivation
b) Brief overview of two/ three motivation theories that you believe are most relevant for your report
c) Review of motivation studies relevant to service industries, and studies that have explored manager and employee perspectives
3. Interview guide – your interview guide should include 8-10 questions that address managers’ perspectives on employee motivation. You should include general questions about motivation e.g., how they define motivation, what motivates them and what do they think motivates their employees. However, you also need to develop questions that relate back to the motivation theories you are including in your report and other topics such as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, motivation of employees of different ages or life/ work circumstances.
4. References – 8 references and APA format throughout
RECOMMENDED REFERENCES – Use at least 2 of the below options please
Riggio, R. E. (2018). Motivation. In Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology (7th ed., pp. 285–325). Milton: Routledge.
Kuvaas, B., Buch, R., Weibel, A., Dysvik, A., & Nerstad, C. G. L. (2016). Do intrinsic and extrinsic motivation relate differently to employee outcomes? Journal of Economic Psychology, 61, 244–258.
Michel, J. W., Kavanagh, M. J., & Tracey, J. B. (2013). Got Support?: The impact of supportive work practices on the perceptions, motivation, and behavior of customer-contact employees. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 54(2), 161–173.
Stringer, C., Didham, J., & Theivananthampillai, P. (2011). Motivation, pay satisfaction, and job satisfaction of front-line employees. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, 8(2), 161–179.
MOTIVATION THEORIES – Please use a minimum of 3 of the theories below
1. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
2. Hertzberg’s two factor theory
3. McClelland’s theory of needs
4. Vroom’s theory of expectancy
5. McGregor’s theory X and theory Y