Posted: November 23rd, 2022
Operations management in business Assignment
Diploma in Business-Virtual (Administration/HR/ACCT&FIN)
The student must fill the relevant parts of the following table.
Student First Name Student Last Name Student ID Task No. Date submitted Date issued
7th April 2019
Statement of authenticity
I, the above named student, hereby confirm that this assignment is my own work and not copied or plagiarized. It has not previously been submitted as part of any assessment. All the sources, from which information has been obtained for this assignment, have been referenced in the Harvard format. I further confirm that I have read and understood the Maldives Business School rules and regulations about plagiarism and copying and agree to be bound by them.
Assignment summary information
Unit Unit 34: Operations management in business Assignment reference 1
Assignment type This is an individual assignment.
Tasks Submit on Do on
Task 1: Examination: LO1, LO2. NA 6th July 2019
Task 2: Report: LO3, LO4. 2nd June 2019 NA
Extensions An extension must be applied for in writing by individual students and will only be granted for valid reasons.
Late submissions Late submissions will be marked for all grades but will incur a fine of MVR 250 per task.
Resubmissions: Each resubmission will be charged MVR 100.
Assessor(s): Prof. Sandeep Singh Sikerwar Internal verifier: Nabeela Haleem
Assessor(s) please fill the table below AFTER the evaluation.
Assessment criteria Maximum Marks Marks Obtained IV Comments
1.1 12
1.2 12
2.1 16
2.2 10
3.1 12.5
3.2 12.5
4.1 12.5
4.2 12.5
Total Marks 100
Assessor’s Name Signature Date
This is the cover page for your assignment. Each task must have this cover page. A missing cover page will require you to resubmit the task and a fee of MVR 50 will be charged. Read the document titled “Additional Guidance on Assignments” for help on the general report format, general presentation format and referencing. Evidences required to achieve each criterion are given just below each criterion. End of cover page.
Statement of Grades:
Marks Representative Grade Grade Interpretation
85 & Above A * Higher Distinction
75 to 84 A Distinction
65 to 74 B Merit
50 to 64 C Pass
Below 50 F Fail
Unit outcomes are given below. Assessment criteria and evidence requirements are given below each task.
Learning Outcome 1 Understand the nature and importance of operational management.
Learning Outcome 2 Understand the link between operations management and strategic planning.
Learning Outcome 3 Understand how to organize a typical production process.
Learning Outcome 4 Be able to apply relevant techniques to the production of an operational plan for a typical business.
Criterion Distribution Table 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2
T1 T1 T1 T1 T2 T2 T2 T2
At least three of these sources must be cited in relevant tasks in your assignment.
1. Slack, N., Chambers, S. and Johnston, R. 2010. Operations management. 6th ed. London: Financial Times/ Prentice Hall.
2. Lowson, R. H. 2002. Strategic operations management: the new competitive advantage. London: Routledge. Available through: [Accessed: 23 March 2019. ]
3. Pearson, J., Bracker, J. and White, R. 1990. Operations management activities of small, high growth electronics firms. Journal of Small Business Management, 28(1). Available through: [Accessed: 23 March 2019].
4. Eiselt, H.A. and Sandblom, C. 2010. Operations research. London: Springer.
You have been working in the operations department of your organization for the past three years as a senior operational manager. Over the past two years the operational performance of the company has been declining such that the company is facing difficulties in meeting its objectives.
As part of the continuous improvement and restructuring the operation processes you have been asked by the head of your organization to prepare a report on a particular area of the operations titled “A report on operations planning and control of [name of the organizations or unit]”.
Your report must be unified and coherent. It must not exceed 2,500 words.
To complete this task successfully, you must:
1. Explain linear programming. (3.1) (12.5 Marks)
You should:
(A) Define linear programming.
(B) Explain how you could apply linear programming to a given task.
2. Evaluate critical path analysis and network planning. (3.2) (12.5 Marks)
You should:
(A) Identify and explain the critical path analysis and network planning.
(B) Identify and explain the importance of critical path analysis.
3. Produce a set of clearly defined operational outcomes. (4.1) (12.5 Marks)
You should:
(A) Produce a set of clearly defined operational outcomes for a given operation by considering the following five OM performance objectives.
1. Cost
2. Dependability
3. Flexibility
4. Quality
5. Speed.
4. Produce a network plan and indicate the resultant critical path. (4.2) (12.5 Marks)
You should:
(A) Select an objective for an operation.
(B) List the tasks required to achieve the selected objective.
(C) Plan a network and drawn the network diagram.
(D) Identify the paths.
(E) Calculate the paths’ times.
(F) Identify the critical path.
(This provides evidence for LO3, LO4.)
1. The Task 2 Report must be submitted as PDF file named “ADY1_Unit34_OMB_V_April2019_Task2_Report_FirstnameLastname_StudentID,” where First name Last name should be replaced by your first name and last name and StudentID with your student ID. Attach any highly relevant documents as appendices.
2. Do not submit the first draft of your report. The report you submit must be at least the second edited version. Do the final editing: proof read for logical errors, spelling and grammar.
3. Remember to upload all the files before you click the “Submit for grading” button.
End of assignment brief. Good luck. ?