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Posted: January 28th, 2022



To get the finest grades, get professional pharmacology homework help online.

Students seeking online pharmacology assignment aid from our online topic experts frequently require assistance with research papers, drug evaluation lab reports, Pharmacology essays, and problem sets. Pharmacogenetics, Placebo Response of Analgesia, Antiemetics, Oral Hypoglycemics, Drug Abuse, Organophosphate Poisoning, and Poison Control are some of the Pharmacology assignment subjects that our online tutors work on all the time.

We understand that the pharmacopeia is continually changing. While some pharmaceuticals, such as morphine, penicillin, and aspirin, appear to be here to stay, many of the medications we took five or ten years ago are no longer useful. As a result, our pharmacology assignment experts stay up to speed on the newest literature on new and old medications, allowing them to provide the most relevant and effective pharmacology assignment assistance.

Pharmacology is the study of the effects of natural or chemical medications on a living organism’s body. It may be termed a pharmaceutical study if the substance being investigated has therapeutic applications. Nursing students learn about the composition and properties of numerous pharmaceuticals, drug design and manufacturing, mechanisms and roles of various molecules, cells and organs within a live body, chemical biology, therapy, molecular diagnostics, medicinal applications, and even toxicology in this course.

Understand your topic: Don’t assume that because you know the topic, you’ll be able to finish the assignment correctly. Your teacher is aware that you understand the fundamentals of the subject. As a result, you should concentrate on the facts and make your pharmacology assignment as informative as possible.

Describe how medication has a significant role: Write about how pharmacology has become an important part of people’s life and the use of medicines, in addition to the facts provided in your assignment.

Avoid generic titles: Pharmacology assignment themes should be concise and easy to understand. Remember that no professor likes to be perplexed by a topic and put forth the effort to learn about it. Pharmacology is concerned with the effects of natural or synthetic pharmaceuticals on the body of a live organism, thus it’s clear that it’s a serious subject. As a result, the title should be explicit enough to indicate the nature of the pharmaceutical assignment.

A plagiarized assignment might be condemned in the following ways: It is critical not to plagiarize the assignment from the internet or from a friend. Duplicate assignments will be marked down and rejected.

Still having trouble figuring out how to write a great pharmacology paper? Well, we can aid you with your pharmacology homework.


Pharmacology Assignment Help of the Highest Quality for College and University Students!
Students frequently seek online assignment help while writing drug evaluation reports on the most recent medications, such as benazepril, leflunomide, and rivastigmine. Our online tutors can assist you in preparing detailed drug reports that include the indications that suggest whether or not a drug will be approved by the FDA, mechanisms of how the drug will have therapeutic effects on a patient, how it can be appropriately compared to a standard, whether the drug is safer or more effective than the comparator, manufacturer’s claims about the drug, and the drug’s price. You can talk to our helpdesk representatives about any type of Pharmacology assignment assistance you need and see what we have to offer.

GET ASSISTANCE WITH PHARMACOLOGY ASSIGNMENTS FOR – Plagiarism-free and original assignment: Essayfauci’s professionals can assist you in creating content that is free of plagiarism. They can explain the significance of original assignments and help you finish your pharmacology project. Essayfauci’s editing and proofreading services can also assist you in offering plagiarism-free pharmacology assignment assistance.

High-quality content: In addition to being unique, a good assignment should also be of exceptional quality. When a teacher examines your homework, he or she is looking for high-quality work that demonstrates that you have fully grasped the idea. During the editing and proofreading procedure, Essayfauci ensures that the assignment’s quality is maintained.

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After you place an order with us, you will almost likely have your answers within 2 or 3 days. You can also give us a deadline of your choosing. For pressing deadlines, we offer fast-track pharmacology assignment writing services.
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What is the best way for me to get in touch with my pharmacology assignment expert?
Our customer care team will assign you a suitable tutor once you have placed an order with us. Then you can quickly contact them with your pharmacology assignment questions. —- Questions for a Sample Assignment
Pharmacology (Advanced)

This study discusses a pharmaceutical management plan for Mr. NX, including potential contraindications for CAMs, prescriptive and non-prescriptive prescriptions for acute pain and other ongoing disease processes, and evaluation methodologies.

Plan for Pharmacological Management

Current Prescriptions and Complementary and Alternative Medicine

With certain diagnoses, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is contraindicated.

Back Pain Prescriptions

Prescription Drug Changes

Evaluations of the Follow-Up


Evaluation Techniques for Side/Adverse Effects

Evaluating Effectiveness Strategies

Bibliography (examples)

A. Romm (2011). Antibiotics are being overprescribed for upper respiratory infections in children. Alternatives to think about. 306–309. Alternative and Complementary Therapies, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 306–309. http://search.ebscohost.com.lib.kaplan.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=rzh&AN=2011411466&site=eds-live retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.lib.kaplan.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=rzh&AN=2011411466&site=eds-live

J. A. Singh, D. E. Furst, A. Bharat, J. R. Curtis, A. F. Kavanaugh, J. M. Kremer

K. G. Saag, K. G. Saag, K. G. Saag (2012). Updated recommendations for the use of disease-modifying antirheumatic medications and biologic medicines in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis from the American College of Rheumatology in 2008. National Guideline Clearinghouse, US Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Health Research and Quality. http://www.guideline.gov/content.aspx?id=36892&search=rheumatoid+arthritis was retrieved from http://www.guideline.gov/content.aspx?id=36892&search=rheumatoid+arthritis

Prescription Drugs and Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Mr. NX, a 35-year-old man, walks into your clinic today complaining of back discomfort and “just not feeling right.” In regards to his back, he claims that it is a chronic ailment that he has been dealing with for the past ten years. He hasn’t sustained any specific back injuries. He denies lower-extremity weakness, bowel or bladder alterations or malfunction, and pain radiation to the lower extremities, as well as numbness or tingling in the lower extremities. He describes the discomfort as a dull aching and tightness in his lower back.

He claims he began a training regimen around three weeks ago. He claims to be working out with a body builder pal. He claims that a friend advised him to take Creatine to help grow muscle and Coenzyme Q10 as an antioxidant, so he began taking both supplements at the same time he began working out. He also takes Kava Kava for anxiety and garlic to assist lower his blood pressure, according to him.

His past diagnoses, which are currently under control, are as follows:

Since the age of 27, I’ve had type 2 diabetes.

Blood pressure that is too high

DVTs that recur

The following drugs have been prescribed for him:

Glyburide 3 mg twice a day with breakfast is recommended.

20 mg lisinopril once a day

5 mg of Coumadin each day


Address each part of the Unit 9 Assignment template based on the given case study. First, review the Unit 9 Assignment Grading Rubric (available under Course Home in the Grading Rubrics section) and use it to guide your completion.

1. Save the Unit 9 Assignment template to your computer.

2. Rename the template file to “FirstInitial+LastName_ MN553 Unit9.docx” (for example, JDoe MN553 Unit4.docx).

3. Go over the grading rubric for the assignment.

4. Fill in the blanks in the template using the case study as a guide.

5. Use suitable evidence from the literature to back up your claims, citing and referencing in APA 6th edition style.

6. Drag and drop your finalized file into Dropbox. Please double-check that your file was successfully uploaded. Review the Student Guide to Dropbox for assistance with uploading.

Requirements for the assignment:

Before submitting your work, make sure to:

Please thoroughly read the Assignment description (as mentioned above);

• check the Grading Rubric (found under Course Home) to make sure you’ve covered everything; and

• Spelling and grammatical check are used to reduce errors.

Your writing assignment should include the following:

• adhere to Standard American English norms (grammar, punctuation, etc. );

• be well-organized, logical, and coherent, as well as unique and thought-provoking;

• show off excellent content, organization, style, and mechanics; and

• Follow the APA Progression Ladder and use the APA 6th edition format.

Submission Instructions:

Before midnight on the last day of the unit, submit your assignment to the unit Dropbox.

When you’re ready to submit your Assignment, go to Dropbox, pick this unit’s basket from the dropdown menu, and then attach your file. Make a backup of your work and double-check that your file was successfully uploaded.

Review the Student Guide to Dropbox for assistance with submitting your file.

—— L.L., a 67-year-old man with BPH, is the second sample. He’s having a hard time urinating. He is currently taking Cozaar 100 mg for HTN, and his blood pressure is under control. He does not take any other drugs. His doctor has prescribed medication for his BPH, but he wants to try a herbal supplement first before taking the prescription.

1. In L.L’s condition, would you prescribe a herbal supplement?

2. What herbal supplement would he take if that’s the case?

3. What is the dosage that is recommended?

4. What are the herbal supplement’s possible adverse effects?

5. What precautions should you issue to L.L. before he begins using the herbal supplement?
Assignment on Advanced Pharmacology (Sample 3)

Patient HL presents to the clinic with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The patient has a history of substance addiction and may be infected with Hepatitis C. The following prescription medications are currently being taken by HL:

Every day, take 100 mcg of Synthroid.

30 mg nifedipine each day

Prednisone 10 mg twice a day

Explain your diagnosis to the patient, including the reasoning behind it.

Describe a suitable pharmacological therapy plan based on the patient’s medical history, diagnosis, and current medications.

Justify why you would recommend this patient’s medication therapy strategy. Give instances and be specific. Assignment on Advanced Pharmacology


Introduction and conclusion are included in this one-page document ( so paper could be little longer).

Patient HL presents to the clinic with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The patient has a history of substance addiction and may be infected with Hepatitis C. The following prescription medications are currently being taken by HL:

Every day, take 100 mcg of Synthroid.

30 mg nifedipine each day

Prednisone 10 mg twice a day

Explain your diagnosis to the patient, including the reasoning behind it.

Describe a suitable pharmacological therapy plan based on the patient’s medical history, diagnosis, and current medications.

Justify why you would recommend this patient’s medication therapy strategy. Give instances and be specific.

Introduction and conclusion are included in this one-page document ( so paper could be little longer). Assignment on Advanced Pharmacology —- Sample 4 Advance Pharmacology


Based on your patient’s diagnosis, what kind of medication should you prescribe? How much medication should be given to the patient? How often should the medication be taken? When is it not appropriate to prescribe the drug? Are there any circumstances that may affect a patient’s ability to take the medication? Should you be giving this patient medication? How might the prescribing of this medicine to this patient be affected by different state regulations?

These are some of the things you think about when deciding on a treatment plan for a patient.

Getty Images/Caiaimage/Getty Images/Caiaimage/Getty Images/Caiaimage/G

Every day, as an advanced practice nurse providing drugs, you are responsible for the lives of others. Because of your position, patients and their families will frequently repose their trust in you. This trust comes with a great deal of authority and duty, as well as an ethical and legal commitment to “do no harm.” It’s critical that you’re up to date on professional, legal, and ethical requirements for advanced practice nurses with prescribing authority. It’s also crucial to make sure that your treatment plans and drug administration/prescribing are compliant with the laws of the state in which you practice. Understanding how these rules affect the prescribing of specific pharmaceuticals in different jurisdictions might have a big impact on your patient’s treatment plan. In this assignment, you will investigate the ethical and legal consequences of several circumstances and evaluate how to respond correctly.

To Get Ready

Consider the legal and ethical issues of dispensing prescription medicines, disclosure, and nondisclosure in the Resources for this topic.

Examine the situation that your instructor has set for this assignment.

Look up the regulations and standards for providing prescription drugs and dealing with pharmaceutical errors in your state or region, and think about them while you go over your Instructor’s scenario.

Consider the scenario’s ethical and legal ramifications for all parties involved, including the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and patient’s family.

Consider two ways you would use as an advanced practice nurse to guide your morally and legally responsible decision-making in this situation, including whether or not you would disclose any drug errors.

By Day 7 of Week 1

Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

Explain the ethical and legal implications of the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved, such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and patient’s family.

Describe strategies to address disclosure and nondisclosure as identified in the scenario you selected. Be sure to reference laws specific to your state.

Explain two strategies that you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your decision making in this scenario, including whether you would disclose your error. Be sure to justify your explanation.

Explain the process of writing prescriptions, including strategies to minimize medication errors.

. —
Sample Assignment Questions
Advanced Pharmacology

This paper addresses a pharmacological management plan for Mr. NX, including consideration of possible contraindications for CAMs, prescriptive, and non-prescriptive recommendations for management of acute pain and other ongoing disease processes, followed by evaluation strategies.

Pharmacological Management Plan

CAMs Contraindicated with Current Prescriptions

CAMs Contraindicated with Diagnoses

Prescription for Back Pain

Changes in Prescribed Drugs

Follow-Up Evaluations


Strategies for Evaluating Side/Adverse Effects

Strategies for Evaluating Effectiveness

References (examples)

Romm, A. (2011). Overprescribing of antibiotics for children’s upper respiratory infections. Alternative options to consider. Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 17(6), 306–309. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.lib.kaplan.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=rzh&AN=2011411466&site=eds-live

Singh, J. A., Furst, D. E., Bharat, A., Curtis, J. R., Kavanaugh, A. F., Kremer, J. M.,…

Saag, K. G. (2012). Update of the 2008 American College of Rheumatology recommendations for the use of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs and biologic agents in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. InU.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Health Research and Quality, National Guideline Clearinghouse. Retrieved from http://www.guideline.gov/content.aspx?id=36892&search=rheumatoid+arthritis

Case Study: Prescribed Drugs with CAMs

A 35-year-old male, Mr. NX, presents to your clinic today with complaints of back pain and “just not feeling good.” Regarding his back, he states that his back pain is a chronic condition that he has suffered with for about the last 10 years. He has not suffered any specific injury to his back. He denies weakness of the lower extremities, denies bowel or bladder changes or dysfunction, and denies radiation of pain to the lower extremities and no numbness or tingling of the lower extremities. He describes the pain as a constant dull ache and tightness across the low back.

He states he started a workout program about 3 weeks ago. He states he is working out with a friend who is a body builder. He states his friend suggested taking Creatine to help build muscle and Coenzyme Q10 as an antioxidant so he started those medications at the same time he began working out. He states he also takes Kava Kava for his anxiety and garlic to help lower his blood pressure.

His historical diagnoses, currently under control, are:

Type II diabetes since age 27

High blood pressure

Recurrent DVTs

His prescribed medications include:

Glyburide 3 mg daily with breakfast

Lisinopril 20 mg daily

Coumadin 5 mg daily


Based on the above case study, address each section of the Unit 9 Assignment template. Be sure to first view the Unit 9 Assignment Grading Rubric (found in the Grading Rubrics section under Course Home) and use it to guide your completion.

1. Download the Unit 9 Assignment template.

2. Rename the downloaded template file as “FirstInitial+LastName_ MN553_Unit9.docx” (e.g., JDoe_MN553_Unit4.docx).

3. Review the Assignment grading rubric.

4. Complete the template, basing your responses on the case study above.

5. Support your arguments with appropriate evidence from the literature, citing and referencing in APA 6th edition style.

6. Upload your completed file to the Dropbox. Please be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly. For help in uploading, review the Student Guide to the Dropbox.

Assignment Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

• be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);

• consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Home) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and

• utilizespelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

• follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);

• be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;

• display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and

• useAPA 6th edition format as outlined in the APA Progression Ladder.

How to Submit:

Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight on the last day of the unit.

When you are ready to submit your Assignment, click the Dropbox tab and select this unit’s basket from the dropdown menu, then attach your file. Make sure to save a copy of your work and be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly.

For help uploading your file, review the Student Guide to the Dropbox.

Sample 2
L.L. is a 67-year-old male who has been diagnosed with BPH. He is having difficulty with urination. He is currently on Cozaar 100 mg for HTN and his BP is well controlled. He is taking no other medications. The doctor has recommended medication for his BPH, but he would like to try a herbal supplement before taking a prescription medication.

1. Would you recommend a herbal supplement in L.L’s case?

2. If so, what herbal supplement would he take?

3. What is the recommended dosage?

4. What are possible side effects of the herbal supplement?

5. What warnings should you give L.L. before he starts the herbal supplement.

Sample 3
Advance Pharmacology Assignment

Patient HL comes into the clinic with the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The patient has a history of drug abuse and possible Hepatitis C. HL is currently taking the following prescription drugs:

Synthroid 100 mcg daily

Nifedipine 30 mg daily

Prednisone 10 mg daily

Explain your diagnosis for the patient, including your rationale for the diagnosis.

Describe an appropriate drug therapy plan based on the patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently prescribed.

Justify why you would recommend this drug therapy plan for this patient. Be specific and provide examples. Advance Pharmacology Assignment


One page paper including introduction and conclusion ( so paper could be little longer).

Patient HL comes into the clinic with the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The patient has a history of drug abuse and possible Hepatitis C. HL is currently taking the following prescription drugs:

Synthroid 100 mcg daily

Nifedipine 30 mg daily

Prednisone 10 mg daily

Explain your diagnosis for the patient, including your rationale for the diagnosis.

Describe an appropriate drug therapy plan based on the patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently prescribed.

Justify why you would recommend this drug therapy plan for this patient. Be specific and provide examples.

One page paper including introduction and conclusion ( so paper could be little longer). Advance Pharmacology Assignment

Sample 4
Advance Pharmacology


What type of drug should you prescribe based on your patient’s diagnosis? How much of the drug should the patient receive? How often should the drug be administered? When should the drug not be prescribed? Are there individual patient factors that could create complications when taking the drug? Should you be prescribing drugs to this patient? How might different state regulations affect the prescribing of this drug to this patient?

These are some of the questions you might consider when selecting a treatment plan for a patient.

Photo Credit: Getty Images/Caiaimage

As an advanced practice nurse prescribing drugs, you are held accountable for people’s lives every day. Patients and their families will often place trust in you because of your position. With this trust comes power and responsibility, as well as an ethical and legal obligation to “do no harm.” It is important that you are aware of current professional, legal, and ethical standards for advanced practice nurses with prescriptive authority. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the treatment plans and administration/prescribing of drugs is in accordance with the regulations of the state in which you practice. Understanding how these regulations may affect the prescribing of certain drugs in different states may have a significant impact on your patient’s treatment plan. In this Assignment, you explore ethical and legal implications of scenarios and consider how to appropriately respond.

To Prepare

Review the Resources for this module and consider the legal and ethical implications of prescribing prescription drugs, disclosure, and nondisclosure.

Review the scenario assigned by your Instructor for this Assignment.

Search specific laws and standards for prescribing prescription drugs and for addressing medication errors for your state or region, and reflect on these as you review the scenario assigned by your Instructor.

Consider the ethical and legal implications of the scenario for all stakeholders involved, such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and patient’s family.

Think about two strategies that you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your ethically and legally responsible decision-making in this scenario, including whether you would disclose any medication errors.

By Day 7 of Week 1

Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

Explain the ethical and legal implications of the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved, such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and patient’s family.

Describe strategies to address disclosure and nondisclosure as identified in the scenario you selected. Be sure to reference laws specific to your state.

Explain two strategies that you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your decision making in this scenario, including whether you would disclose your error. Be sure to justify your explanation.

Explain the process of writing prescriptions, including strategies to minimize medication errors.

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