Posted: February 24th, 2022
one page essay due tomorrow before 1 p.m
Recitatif (Toni Morrison)
1. The most important issue Toni Morrison explores in Recitatif is race. By removing signifiers of race, the reader has to work to try to figure out the racial identity of Twyla and Roberta. What is your reaction to Morrison’s treatment of race? Why does she blur racial boundaries?
2. Another issue in Recitatif is memory. Roberta and Twyla have very different memories of the incident where the Gar Girls attacked Maggie. What is Morrison trying to say about memory and truth? Consider the issues of memory present in the story – memories of young girls, dreamed memories, different adult memories of the same event, shared memory, false memories, etc.
3. Embedded in the story are powerful memories of Twyla and Roberta’s mothers. As they struggle with memories their mothers and Maggie, Twyla realizes Maggie is her “dancing mother” (bottom of 250). Why did Maggie signify the girls lost mothers? Does the significance of Maggie become clearer?
The paper should have at least three paragraphs – an introduction, one or more body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The last sentence of the introduction should be your thesis statement. Italicize the thesis statement. Each paragraph must have an italicized topic sentence. Quote the text to support your arguments; provide analysis and commentary. Cite the short story and do a Works Cited page using MLA 8th edition.