Posted: September 1st, 2023
Nutrition worksheet for 10 year old male, assignment
Description For this assignment, you are asked to focus on the nutritional assessment and education of a 10 year old male Use Nutrition websites, articles and American academy of pediatrics as sources. One source must include American academy of pediatrics Focus and must Include: • Food and Nutrition history: what kind of eater is this 10 year old male. What kinds of vitamins or supplements are recommended for a healthy 10 year old male. What is considered to be a well rounded diet for a growing 10 year old male. Make up a regular 24 hour day of specific meals snacks and fluid intake of what is recommended for a 10 year old male. What kind of activity is recommended? • Anthropometric Assessment: what is considered to be normal weight, height, BMI and percentile ranges for a 10 year old male • Related lab studies. Focus on normal cholesterol levels, anemia levels, glucose and a1c levels , vitamin d and calcium levels , normal thyroid levels Why are the important and what role do they play on physical appearance as well as physical activity? • Focused physical exam. What are the relevant findings of how a 10 year old healthy male should look include hair skin teeth body odor? Why are they relevant? What edcucation can be provided to the mother and 10 year old patient from a nursing stand point • What recommendations /education will you make? Why? To both the mother and 10 year old such a healthy food choices and lifestyle . Focus on the food pyramid and what the recommended amounts of different food and fluids intake including snacks , what foods should be eaten more, which foods should be avoided . How much exercise is recommended for healthy lifestyles • What resources will you suggest? Sources such as choose my plate . Gov explain about this or other similar options of resources to provide to the 10 year old male patient • How will you follow-up with the child?