Posted: September 5th, 2023
Nutrition Report
Your objective evaluation of your nutrient intake compared to the RDA. Again I will ask that you focus on variety! I believe increasing variety in the diet is very important, and I expect to see variety in the answer- do not state “I could eat more…;” more of one thing doesn’t increase variety. I want each nutrient to read “I consumed X amount of niacin, while the recommendation is for Y” then state “I two excellent sources of niacin would be.” For the purpose of this assignment, an excellent source of any nutrient must contain at least 10% of the RDA for that nutrient. For example, blueberries contain 24% of the DV for vitamin C, thus you could suggest blueberries as a source for vitamin C; however they only contain 1% of the DV for vitamin A, thus they would not be an excellent source for vitamin A and you would not get credit for that answer. All sources must be from food, not supplements. The grade depends on identification of a wide variety of sources of nutrients from food. If you have questions, please ask. I want this in a bullet point format, avoid a lengthy paragraph, please just list intake, RDA, UL if applicable and sources, then hit enter and move on to the next nutrient. **Please note that while excess dietary sugar is of significant concern to overall health, the diet analysis program is lacking the data to accurately assess this element and therefore it will not be evaluated.
Spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and organization count! Please visit the WNC Academic Skills Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or the Writing Center for assistance with organizing and proofreading your assignment.
Cholesterol- list the dietary intake, is it less than the limit of 300 mg per day? If it is over 300 mg/day, list at least one source of the excess (usually it is eggs)
Vitamin A- state the dietary intake of vitamin A, state the RDA for vitamin A, if intake was in excess of RDA state the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL). Identify 2 excellent sources of vitamin A.
Thiamin-state the dietary intake of Thiamin, state the RDA for thiamin. Identify 2 excellent sources of thiamin.
Riboflavin-state the dietary intake of riboflavin, state the RDA for riboflavin. Identify 2 excellent sources of riboflavin.
Niacin-state the dietary intake of niacin, state the RDA for niacin, if intake was in excess of RDA state the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL). Identify 2 excellent sources of niacin.
Vitamin B6- state the dietary intake of vitamin B6. state the RDA for vitamin B6; if intake was in excess of RDA state the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) . Identify 2 excellent sources of vitamin B6.
Vitamin B12- state the dietary intake of vitamin B12, state the RDA for vitamin B12. Identify 2 excellent sources of vitamin B12.
Vitamin C- state the dietary intake of vitamin C, state the RDA for vitamin C, if intake was in excess of RDA state the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL). Identify 2 excellent sources of vitamin C.
Vitamin D- state the dietary intake of vitamin D, state the RDA for vitamin D, if intake was in excess of RDA state the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL). Identify 2 excellent sources of vitamin D.
Vitamin E- state the dietary intake of vitamin E, state the RDA for vitamin E. Identify 2 excellent sources of vitamin E.
Folate- state the dietary intake of folate, state the RDA for folate, if intake was in excess of RDA state the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL). Identify 2 excellent sources of folate.
Calcium- state the dietary intake of calcium, state the RDA for calcium, if intake was in excess of RDA state the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL). Identify 2 excellent sources of calcium.
Iron- state the dietary intake of iron, state the RDA for iron, if intake was in excess of RDA state the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL). Identify 2 excellent sources of iron.
Magnesium- state the dietary intake of magnesium, state the RDA for magnesium. Identify 2 excellent sources of magnesium
Potassium- state the dietary intake of potassium, state the RDA for Potassium. Identify 2 excellent sources of potassium (remember to focus on variety)
Selenium- state the dietary intake of selenium, state the RDA for selenium, if intake was in excess of RDA state the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL). Identify 2 excellent sources of selenium.
Sodium- state the dietary intake of sodium, state the AI and UL for Sodium. Identify at least 1 food item in the diet that was high in sodium.
Zinc- state the dietary intake of zinc, state the RDA for zinc, if intake was in excess of RDA state the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) . Identify 2 excellent sources of zinc.