Posted: November 28th, 2022
Nutrition 300 – Diet Project Part 4
Nutrition 300 – Diet Project Part 4
Part 4 of your Diet Project is a continuation of the analysis of your diet and health. In Part 4, we will be evaluating our fluid, mineral, and vitamin intake.
Directions: Fill in the tables and answer the questions based on the data from your Cronometer reports. You will need to refer to both the Trends and Servings reports that you submitted for Diet Project Part 1. Type in a different color text.
Note: The Trends report will show you your average intake for each nutrient, so you DO NOT have to calculate any averages!
Please answer the questions based on the information from your Cronometer reports!
• If a question does not apply to your situation, make sure to say something about it, such as “I’m not an athlete, so this doesn’t apply to me.” That way, I know you looked at the question. Don’t just skip the question!
• I will be grading Part 2 using your Cronometer reports submitted for Part 1. If I see a food on Part 2 that wasn’t recorded on Part 1, or if there is a food I saw from Part 1 that should be on Part 2, you will lose points.
Answer the questions based on what you are learning in this course!
• You are required to explain your answers in detail, using your reports and knowledge about nutrition to support your answer.
• Unacceptable responses: “it’s junk/fast/processed food”, “it’s full of nutrients, ”“it’s healthier”, “it’s better”, “I think my diet is healthy”, “I don’t like my diet”, or “my diet is horrible.” These will NOT earn you credit if you don’t explain why.
Fluids and Beverages
– refer to the “Trends” report
1. On the Trends report under “General,” your water intake is reported as grams. You need to convert this into cups of water. Using the following conversions, determine how many cups of water you consumed from foods and beverages. (2 points)
• 1 gram of water = 1 mL of water; 237 mL of water = 1 cup of water
Your Intake of water: _________ g x 1 mL/g = ________mL ÷ 237 mL/cup = ________ cups/day
2. The DRIs for water are below.
• Men: 16 cups; Women: 11 cups
Do you need to increase your water intake? Bold or highlight one. (1 point) •Yes • No
If Yes, how many more cups of water a day do you need (1 point) =_______ cups
(Hint: subtract your intake from your DRI)
3. What is one consequence of not consuming adequate amounts of fluid? (2 points)
4. Many of the fluids we consume also contribute calories and nutrients to our diet. Using your Servings report, evaluate the quality of your beverages. In general, are they providing additional nutrients or calories beyond water? If so, name a few other nutrients provided by your beverages? (4 points).
5. Do you think your beverage choices are helping you achieve overall good health? Why or why not? Consider total fluid amount and associated nutrients. If you feel that your beverage intake is not helping you meet your dietary goals, how can you improve this aspect of your diet? (4 points)
– refer to the “Trends” and “Servings” reports
1. Refer to your Trends report under the “Minerals” section to fill out the table below (2 points)
Mineral My DRI (mg) My Intakes (mg) % of DRI
Sodium 1500
Potassium Women: 2600
Men: 3400
Calcium 1000
Magnesium Women: 320
Men: 420
Iron Women: 18
Men: 8
2. High sodium intakes have been linked to increased risk for chronic diseases. Refer to your Servings report, identify the 5 foods that provide the most sodium and identify whether they are processed or not. (5 points)
Note: processed foods are foods that are man or machine made & do not exist like that in nature. Consider: can you find that food in that form in nature? For example, does bread grow on trees? If not, then it’s processed.
Food Sodium (mg) Processed food? Yes or no?
3. From the table in question 1, did you exceed your DRI for sodium? Is this what you expected? Why or why not. Do you feel like your diet is high/low in sodium? (2 points)
4. Does your overall diet consist of more than 50% processed foods? (1 point)
5. Did any food surprise you in terms of sodium content? If so, which food and why? (2 points)
6. What health condition is most associated with high sodium diets? (1 point)
7. Iron and Calcium are commonly under consumed minerals. Refer to Question 1 – Is your diet at risk for deficiencies for iron and calcium? Answer next to the name of the mineral below (4 points)
a. Anything less than 75% of DRI is considered deficient. If so, what are the major diseases associated with deficiencies of these minerals?
b. If not, and you are over 100% of the DRI, discuss whether you are at risk of toxicity. If you’re over the UL, you are at risk, and you should say what the toxicity symptoms are. (tell me if you’re over the UL, and tell me what risks are associated)
– Refer to Table 8.1 (pg. 235) or the table in the “Diet Project” module on Canvas to see the ULs.
– refer to the “Trends” reports
1. Looking at the “Vitamins” section of the Trends report, what is your overall assessment of your vitamin intake? (2 points)
Consider: If your overall intake is low (many vitamins are <75% of the DRI), explain why. Is it because you’re not eating enough calories? Or not eating enough variety? Or eating mostly processed foods? If your overall intake is high, why do you think that is?
2. Under the “Vitamins” section, for what 3 vitamins was your “% of DRI” the lowest? Pick your bottom 3 even if they are all high. What are classic deficiency symptoms associated with low intakes of those 3 vitamins? What foods could you add to your diet to increase intake of those vitamins? (4 points)
Lowest 3 vitamins % of DRI Classic deficiency symptom Food source
3. Of the 3 lowest vitamins in your diet, which can you realistically increase and how (what food will you add?) (2 points)
Highest 3 vitamins % of DRI Classic toxicity symptoms
4. Under the “Vitamins” section, for what 3 vitamins was your “% of DRI” the highest. Pick your top 3 even if they are low and not over 100%! What are the toxicity symptoms related to excess intake of these vitamins? If there are no associated toxicity symptoms, say “none”. (4 points)
5. When it comes to vitamin toxicity, which class should we be more concerned about – fat soluble or water soluble vitamins? Explain why. (2 points)