Hero or Criminal? Many people consider Robin Hood a hero. He was definitely a hero to the peasants of Nottingham. After all he stole from the rich and gave to the poor. If I were poor he would have been my hero, too. But to the rich people of Nottingham he was nothing more than […]
use data (attached) to solve the following questions using Excel (1) Eliminate duplexes and properties with prices over $850,000 from the data. Eliminate non- numeric variables and redundant variables from the data. (2) Which variable correlates most strongly with price? (3) Find the regression line Y = β0 + β1x with the variable chosen in the previous problem. [The lm function in R […]
What are the four major types of agency budgeting systems? The four types of agency budgeting systems are capitol budgeting, operational budgeting, personnel budgeting, expendables and accountable. The relative advantage between these is they have a need to be the foundation for the company. These are what help the company as far as pay, salary […]
Question Description I’m studying for my Philosophy class and need an explanation. (N.B. Please read instructions thoroughly before beginning to answer questions.) Please select three (3) of the following essay questions, and respond to them in the form of a brief essay of approximately 500-600 words. Make sure in each that you are not just […]
Women’s Rights The social position of Muslim women differs tthroughout time periods and countries, such as Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan. The consequences of breaking the laws in these nations differ as well. In addition, different social factors affect the way Muslim women are treated. These social positions are perceived differently amongst men and women in […]
I know many will not read this but be sure to understand this assignment before you approach me. I had to repost this! 1. So I have completed all my course work for a PhD in Business Administration and now need to complete my dissertation. 2. The challenge I have is that I […]
Narrative story Do you remember your first day in the university? Well, I remember my first day I was waiting all the summer to enter at the university. I felt excited and at the same time I was very nervous because it was my first day in the university and I didn’t know any person […]
Week 1 – Assignment Historical Speech Review The ability to recognize and explain the elements of the communication process is the beginning of truly understanding how to prepare for and deliver effective oral presentations. When we are able to recognize the elements of the communication process, we are then able to think more critically about […]
1. What “Akakievich” part of Bashmachkin’s full name is and what does it mean? 5% 2. Provide and explain similar parts of the full names of Dostoevsky, Gogol, Karamzin, and Pushkin? 5% 3. Which specific real historical event may Pushkin be describing in details in the Bronze Horseman and, if so, what was the precise […]
Iskra Angelova Assignment #3 Dr. Ferrante Writing 140 10/26/2012 Based on Andres Serrano’s “Piss Christ” can art ever push social boundaries too far? “Anyone who blasphemes the name of the Lord is to be put to death. The entire assembly must stone them. Whether foreigner or native-born, when they blasphemes the Name they are to […]