How accurate is it to describe the US Constitution as too rigid and difficult to change? The USA has a written codified constitution and as a result, it may be described as too rigid and difficult to change. The UK in contrast, has an unwritten constitution in the sense that it is not contained in […]
10th Justice; Takings Clause As you learned this week, the government can enact the concept of eminent domain and “take” private property so long as it is for the “public use” and the owner is justly compensated. This concept is hotly contested and often results in a clash between property owners and the government. Developers […]
watch the video segments of a group and a family session provided in required resources. Post the following: Describe the group dynamic (communication, cohesion, social integration, influence) of the group shown in the required media. Explain how this group’s dynamics may influence treatment. A description of the family dynamic (communication, cohesion, social […]
For this Critical Thinking assignment, imagine that you are tasked with evaluating a major purchase by your healthcare organization. You have been asked to share the process steps of your purchase evaluation with the board of directors. For this project, the actual product you are purchasing is secondary to the steps used to evaluate the […]
Ethical Dilemma in Child Placement Scenario The responsibilities of human services workers extend beyond providing direct care to clients to solve interpersonal problems, improve their access to basic needs, and offer support during difficult times in their lives. Human services workers also have to consider the ethical, legal, and moral implications of their decisions in […]
Social Media plays a vital role in all aspects of businesses nowadays. It has helped in turning communications into interactive dialogues among organizations, communities and individuals which has led to a much proper propagation of information. It may include web based or mobile based technologies and the existence in multiple forms has made it all […]
As a police officer, describe how important is it to support community problem-solving and broken windows policing by applying problem-solving techniques? Community problem solving arose at the tail end of the implementation of community policing which was a departure from traditional policing from the squad car to patrol officers walking the “beat” and getting more […]
Literature is a powerful tool that can be used to address very pertinent issues in the world today, a major concern is a human interaction with the environment and the aftermath of the interaction, CGI Avatar and Anime Princess Mononoke have been used to illustrate the effect of human interaction with the environment. The two […]
Week 3 Discussion 4545 unread replies.4545 replies. In Chapter 38 of your text we are introduced to the ideas of existential art, collaboration, and improvisation (chance art making). After watching the 6 short videos provided in the lecture playlist (YouTube videos of Merce Cunningham & Trisha Brown), share your reaction to the performances in a discussion […]
The Boxer Rebellion was one of the many periods of history that has almost been forgotten by Western historians despite its importance and impact in Chinese history. Eventually, information regarding this rebellion had resurfaced which some historians have considered to be mythical in the sense that some historians have concentrated the information regarding the Boxer […]