Posted: July 20th, 2022
Nursing Theory Critique
Nursing Theory Critique
For this project, you will select and critique a nursing theory of your choice.
The following are some conceptual models and theories you may choose from; however, you may choose any nurse theorist:
Betty Neuman –
Dorothea Orem – Self-Care Deficit Theory
Dorothy Johnson – Behaviorial System Model
Faye G. Abdallah – Patient-Centered Approaches Theory
Florence Nightingale Environmental Model
Hildegard Peplau – Interpersonal Process Theory
Ida Jean Orlando – Nursing Process
Imogene King –
Jean Watson – Nursing as Caring Theory
Madeleine Lininger – Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality
Margaret Newman – Health Expanding Consciousness
Martha Rogers – Science of Unitary of Human Being
Nola Pender
Patricia Benner
Rosemarie Parse
Sister Callista Roy – Adaptation Model
Virginia Henderson
Steps to follow to do your critique (analysis and evaluation):
Begin researching:
You can visit the Fitne ( website to watch videos about the above mentioned theorist.
You can use the Internet to find a journal or articles that provides an analysis and critique of a theory of nursing as a resource to start working with your own critique.
Choose your theorist by logging into Fitne entering the following information: To begin working with your own critique, search the Internet for a journal or articles that provide an analysis and critique of a nursing theory.
Log into Fitne and enter the following information to select your theorist:
Username: medical center campus
Password: medical
Under the Nurse Theorists: Portraits of Excellence (Volume I) link select the theorist of your choice
On the left navigation area select a topic to view
Your critique paper must address the five (5) topics as shown in the Nursing Critique Rubric (attached)
Be typed according to the APA style