Posted: May 15th, 2022
NURSING PAPER – Evidence Based Practice
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Evidence –Based Practice is acknowledged as the effective present evidence that is mostly used to direct nursing care and enhance patient’s results. This evidence has been helping practitioners handle healthcare issues with an analytic and qualitative method. The body that uses this EBP is by a body of Medical Surgical nurses in order to make effective decisions concerning the patients under their care. The main goal of using EBP is to ensure that is comes up with effective decision concerning patient care (Melnyk & Fineout, 2011).
Basing on the Medical Surgical medical nurses as the body that employee’s usage of the evidence based practices, it focuses on patient care, prevention and control of infection, quality advancement, patient care, patient nutrition and effective practices surrounding. One of the sources that is much advised by the body in question to get more information about the EBP is the Institute of Healthcare enhancement. This organization is the key root for instruments and concepts to determine design and implement effective practices. As the top innovator when it comes to healthcare advancement, this board is an invaluable material for both health and healthcare activities.
Since Medical surgical nurses board bases its vision on improving healthcare through EBP, we can conclude that its health activities are based on EBP. This is because, its mission is to improve the evidence based practices which aims at boosting the care of patients within a healthcare settings. Another reason that indicates that Medical-Surgical nurses bases its work on the EBP is through how it advices people to do much research on EBP from Institute of Healthcare improvement in order to get know-how of various ways of applying effective practices. Therefore, the king of information have gained form Academy MSN has enabled me to change my perception on healthcare institutes. I have realized that much organizations employs usage of ENP aiming to implement effective healthcare in the society. For, instance institute of Healthcare improvement.
Melnyk, B.M, & Fineout- Overholt, E. (Eds.). (2011). Evidence –based practices in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins