Posted: August 19th, 2022
Nursing homes – Inadequate staffing and mandatory overtime
Psychology homework help
Topic :
Nursing homes – Inadequate staffing and mandatory overtime
· Why is nurse’s workload so heavy?
· Are good mandatory nurses after working five days straight?
· Does patients get healthcare, if nurses are mandatory overtime and the lack of adequate nurse staffing can result in longer lengths of stay, patient dissatisfaction, higher readmissions.
I choose these three specific issues regarding nursing homes, Nurses mandatory overtime and under work. These issues need more attention and Patients in understaffed facilities face an increased rate of in-hospital mortality, a higher risk of infection, I chose these three specific issues about nursing homes, mandatory overtime for nurses, and not enough work for nurses. These problems need more attention, and patients in facilities with too few workers are more likely to die in the hospital, are more likely to get sick, a rise in postoperative complications, and a greater number of falls. After a long day shift, nurses are lucky to even sit down and eat dinner. Nurses collapse into bed only to wake up a few brief hours later to start the process over.
4-6 pages