Neurological Symptoms Assignment 4 Neurological Symptoms Assignment 4 HPI: The patient is a 65 year old AA male who developed sudden onset of chest pain, which began early this morning. The pain is described as “crushing” and is rated nine out of 10 in terms of intensity. The pain is located in the middle of […]
Assignment 4: Module 4 Maternal Child Discussion Assignment 4: Module 4 Maternal Child Discussion Mary’s 1st baby was delivered via c/section due to the baby being in the breech position. She is requesting a VBAC (vaginal birth after c/section) for this her second baby. By ultrasound this baby is in the vertex position. In reviewing […]
Drugmakers Turn to Data Mining DQ4 Drugmakers Turn to Data Mining DQ4 Relying on techniques and technologies from database management, statistics, and machine learning, specialists in data mining seek to better understand how to process and draw conclusions from vast amounts of information. How can data mining be used by pharmaceutical companies, CROs and marketers […]
NR534 Week BA Advanced communication situations NR534 Week BA Advanced communication situations Develop and leadership profile based on leadership style and personality profile Apply their leadership profile to advanced communication situations Develop strategies that will improve and/enhance advanced communication skills Engage in reflective practice through writing IV. Preparing the Assignment Preparing the Assignment Address all […]
Week 7 Presentation Of Community Teaching Project Week 7 Presentation Of Community Teaching Project Utilize the epidemiologic process to identify a community health need or problem. Plan, implement, and evaluate a group health teaching project to meet the identified need. Assignment Instructions: Select a topic and get instructor approval to move forward with it. ( […]
Assignment 3: The Characteristics Of The Aging Process. Assignment 3: The Characteristics Of The Aging Process. Describe the characteristics of the aging process. Explain how some of the characteristics may lead to elder abuse (memory issues, vulnerability, etc.). Discuss the types of consideration a nurse must be mindful of while performing a health assessment on […]
Influences Of Ancient Architecture Week 6 Influences Of Ancient Architecture Week 6 This week you will read about architecture. The lesson includes information on Roman architecture, which was greatly influenced by the Greeks and Etruscans. Locate at least two architectural works that were influenced by Greco-Roman architecture. These can be from any time period after […]
Adolescence Contemporary Issues And Resources HW 5 Adolescence Contemporary Issues And Resources HW 5 Research the range of contemporary issues teenagers face today. In a 500-750-word paper, choose one issue (besides teen pregnancy) and discuss its effect on adolescent behavior and overall well-being. Include the following in your submission: Describe the contemporary issue and explain […]
Assignment 4: DISEASE PROCESS Select a disease process to be studied. Research the disease and compile a bulleted list of symptoms, diagnostic procedures, progression, treatments, etc. Identify all of the healthcare providers in the healthcare system that can treat this illness and the potential complications of this illness. Create a list of providers who treat […]
Assignment 6: Encounter moral distress Describe a clinical situation in which a registered nurse may encounter moral distress. Answer the AACN’s Four A’s found on page 84 in your Butts and Rich text to further explain the situation, and the possible mitigation strategies. Discussion Prompt #2 Describe different ways that social media use can violate […]