For this module, we’ll be fleshing out your work from previous weeks to complete a rough draft of your final project. You have already identified your topic and the social media choices for your project, and done research on comparable brands or sites. Now it’s time to get it all ready. This week, you should […]
One of the more challenging issues facing I/O psychologists is explaining what it is we do. Few people are familiar with the field, and many don’t realize how I/O psychology can be useful to a company. Thus, I/O psychologists have to be prepared to educate others in a simple and polite manner about what I/O […]
Assignment 2: Learning Assessment System Assignment (LASA) I—Neuroanatomy Essay Raphael Arena, a bright and talented young football player, received both an academic and a football scholarship to a major university. During the first half of the semester, he excelled academically and was the star placekicker on special teams, earning the team two victories in overtime […]
Imagine you are walking into a cave and traveling further and further inward, where no light can reach the inner most spaces. Suddenly, light illuminates your path and you begin to see a series of rooms, natural springs, and a variety of cave paintings on the walls and ceilings. As you observe the paintings, you […]
Students will write a 7-10 page, double-spaced, typed paper on some aspect of counseling theory, practice, application, or issue; you will use APA style format for your paper. The Outline is Due First Research Paper Outline (20 points): Students will write an outline of their research paper (See an example under Information and Content). The […]
The cognitive ability of spatial performance is all about an object location and how it fits into the space round it. This includes the direction it may be facing, the angle it is, its location in relation to other objects, and the small details that makes it unique or similar to other objects. According to […]
Crime prevention is enhanced when law enforcement agencies are willing to work together rather than operate as separate entities. While dealing with egos, attitudes, and turf protection has its challenges, successful law enforcement recognizes the need for collaboration. For example, such efforts have been manifested by the creation of federal Task Force Operations (TFO) that […]
Assignment: According to the family systems theory “everything that happens to any family member has an impact on everyone else in the family.” Look at the following case study through the lens of family systems theory. James and Katie have been married for nearly eight years, and are trying to raise a family and make […]
Discussion: Typical and Atypical Medications There are two major types of antipsychotic medication, both of which manage the positive symptoms of schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders, including hallucinations and delusions. Typical antipsychotics are the first generation of medications, including chlorpromazine and haloperidol. Typical antipsychotics tend to be very effective, yet often come with severe side […]
One of the important attributes of theory is the ability to help explain and predict outcomes. Within development, this couldn’t be truer. Developmental theories have helped researchers and professionals alike be able to understand how influential factors impact development and lead to positive and negative outcomes later on in life. For this assignment, you are […]