Forensic psychology covers a very broad body of knowledge and has many branches. Forensic psychology professionals often choose an area of interest, such as criminal forensic psychology or custody evaluations, and specialize in that area in their clinical practice. Research is relevant to forensic psychology for a variety of reasons. As a forensic psychology professional, […]
Finished Project: A Comparison of World Religions (Final Project) Day 7 of this week is the deadline for completing the Final Project, which was first presented to you in Week 1. Please double-check that your project fits all of the requirements before submitting it for consideration. In order to complete your Final Project, you will […]
One of the most well-known systems theories in psychology is Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model. The model consists of several interrelated systems, beginning with the individual at the center then expanding to include the individual’s immediate family and friends (microsystem); extended family, school, and work (exosystem); and culture and society as a whole (macrosystem). This model can […]
As we have learned, many prominent psychologists and theorists have worked hard to devise ways to define and measure components of personality and personality traits under the premise that personality is stable and can be predictable. But what happens when people behave in an unpredictable manner? How do we predict the unpredictable? In Module Three, […]
Four Generation Genogram with Written Analysis of Family Trends In-class draft genogram assignment due: (week 10) Genogram & paper due: (week 12) Part of doing a full assessment with a family is identifying the dynamics that run like currents throughout the family’s history. The genogram allows us to understand this by creating a visual representation […]
Discussion: Recognizing Examples of Academic Integrity Violations Now that you understand Walden’s policy on academic integrity, you will examine writing samples that may or may not adhere to Walden’s policy. This exercise will help you learn how to identify appropriate and inappropriate use of source material. To prepare for this Discussion: Review the Week 2 […]
Using the topic you selected for the Week 1 discussion (depression in youth and teens), go to the Ashford University Library and find three scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles about the topic. Download the full-text PDF of each article and save them on your computer. (provided within attachments!) In this paper, you will describe your research topic […]
You see descriptions of four different types of parenting styles (authoritarian, authoritative, permissive (For your information: in some writing, this is called permissive-indulgent), uninvolved (For your information: in some writing, this is called permissive-indifferent). Read the information given in the text, then read the examples I have provided below. These are only potential examples, but […]
The concepts of chance encounters and fortuitous events are fascinating ones. Regardless of how carefully people plan their life, a chance encounter or fortuitous event may substantially alter their life’s course. Discuss some ways in which chance changed your life. For example, Married students may be able to describe unplanned and unexpected events that led […]
Assignment: In the last 15 years, there has been a growing media interest in pregnancy and birth. First- person accounts of births, as well as news features on all aspects of the birth process regularly appear in newspapers, in magazines, and on television. For this assignment you are asked to find and read two articles […]