Option 1: Write a 3-page short story (TNR 12 pt font, double-spaced). Think about how much ground you can cover in 3 pages. Is your short story a few moments, a few days, a few years? How would you accomplish that in 3 pages? How many characters can you have? How do you create a […]
Choice 2: Discuss how the terrorists’ attacks on 9/11 affected the criminal justice agencies. Include in your paper, the formation of a new government department: Homeland Security. How is the new structure working against the War on Terrorism? How is the new structure not working? Write a 5 page double spaced paper (Title page, Abstract, […]
A SAMPLER OF WRITING ADVICE EdD in K-12 Educational Leadership February 10, 2018 George Orwell i. Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print. ii. Never use a long word where a short one will do. iii. If it is possible to cut a word […]
discuss: Legislative Agenda means a program of proposed legislations to support policies and programs of government (Casey, 2020). In this discussion, the main focus is comparing and contrasting the legislative agendas of four nursing organizations, that is; American Nurses Association, Sigma Theta Tau, International Council of Nurses, and National Black Nurses Association. Such organizations emerge […]
Instructions For this assignment, you will be creating a poster that summarizes your work on the evidence-based practice project. The poster should be in PowerPoint and should include the headings listed below. Consider the following areas and use appropriate (bolded) areas below as sections for the poster. 1. The poster submission must be in PowerPoint […]
For this discussion, four nursing organizations that I chose were, American Nurses Association, Emergency Nurses Association, National League for Nursing and National Institute of Nursing Research. All these organizations play a significant role in the profession of nursing in its unique way. The American Nurses Association is the largest nursing organization in the United States. […]
I need help with an assignment that is due by Sun 4/24. 3-to-4-page paper that discusses a controversial policy issue. In this paper it should describe your position on a policy that is clearly creating a division in the publics opinion, using rational reasoning, statistical evidence and sporadic or major events to support your argument. […]
I need help with an assignment that is due by Sun 4/24. 3-to-4-page paper that discusses a controversial policy issue. In this paper it should describe your position on a policy that is clearly creating a division in the publics opinion, using rational reasoning, statistical evidence and sporadic or major events to support your argument. […]
Request for Proposal Remarkable Gaming Company The Playbox Program Issue Date: Jan 27, 2022 Due Date: May 5, 2022 1. RFP Overview Remarkable Gaming Company is looking to develop an e-Commerce platform to sell its Playbox gaming consoles online. Two versions of the gaming console will be sold: a higher end Platinum Package and the […]
http://aerj.aera.net Journal American Educational Research http://aer.sagepub.com/content/50/2/285 The online version of this article can be found at: DOI: 10.3102/0002831212471417 Am Educ Res J 2013 50: 285 originally published online 24 January 2013 Jal Mehta Educational Policy, 1980 −2001 How Paradigms Create Politics : The Transformation of American Published on behalf of American Educational Research Association and […]