Posted: October 29th, 2022
NURS 320 The Aging Adult
NURS 320 > Modules > Written Assignment #2: The Aging Adult
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Written Assignment #2: The Aging Adult
Due Saturday by 11:59prn Points 50 Submitting a file upload
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The purpose of this paper is for nursing students to evaluate perceptions and bias regarding the aging adult and to describe relevant assessments and interventions related to geriatric patients.
Discuss the aging adult and geriatric assessment. (1 paragraph)
Describe 3 potential conditions experienced by aging adults, an appropriate assessment for each, and at least 2 interventions for nurses to consider for each condition. paragraphs, one for each condition and discussion of relevant assessments and interventions) Describe three potential conditions that aging persons may encounter, a suitable assessment for each, and at least two therapies that nurses should explore for each condition. paragraphs, one for each condition, including discussion of pertinent assessments and actions)
Discuss ageism in nursing and address how nursing students can address potential bias and provide quality nursing care to the aging adult patient. (1 paragraph)
Use the Guidelines for Written Assignments and rubric as you develop your paper in order to receive the maximum points.
Written Assignment #2 Criteria Mechanics
10 pts Evident
Language was complete, concise, and clear. No excessive jargon or cliches were used. Standard English mechanics and grammar were us. appropriately.
5 pts Somewhat Evident
Problems with mechanics such as spelling and grammar errors poor sequencing causing the reading confusion, and /or poor layout such as inconsistent font sizes, font colors, headings, andbor text alignment.
0 pts Not Evident
Numerous errors
wish mechanics and poor grammar.