Posted: February 21st, 2022
NUR2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing
NUR2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing
Module 1 Discussion
Professional Ethics: What Would You Do?
Today’s health care environment gives nurses many reasons to be conflicted. Genetic testing, abortion, and end of life care are just some of the areas in which nurses may face ethical dilemmas. Consider how you feel about the following issues:
Respecting the wishes of a suffering client that he is permitted to die with dignity,
Respecting the health surrogate’s wishes regarding termination of life support,
Or even observing another nurse take two tablets of oxycodone as ordered but keeping one for herself.
Then give an example of an ethical dilemma you may have confronted in your own clinical experience or workplace. How did you come to the decision you made? What feelings did you experience while coming to that choice? (If you have not yet faced an ethical dilemma, research one and comment on it, answering the same questions.)
NUR2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing
Module 2 Discussion
Case Study: What Sort of Leader Is Needed?
Read the case study and comment on the following.
Case Study
Two new associate-degree graduates were hired for the pediatric unit. Both worked three 12-hour shifts a week; Jan worked the day-to-evening shift and Rosemary worked the night shift. Whenever their shifts connected, they would compare notes on their experience. Jan felt she was learning rapidly, gaining clinical skills and beginning to feel at ease with her colleagues.
Rosemary, however, still felt unsure of herself and often isolated. There have been times that she was the only registered nurse on the unit all night. The aides and LPNs were very experienced, but Rosemary feels she is not ready for that kind of responsibility. Rosemary knows she must speak to the nurse manager about this, but she’s called several times, and she’s never available. The shift assignments are left in the staff lounge by an assistant.
Your discussion post should answer the following questions in a well-constructed commentary. Use references, in APA format, where appropriate.
To what extent is this problem due to a failure to lead? Who has failed to act?
What style of leadership was displayed by Rosemary? The nurse manager?
How effective was their leadership? What are your suggestions for Rosemary?
NUR2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing
Module 5 Discussion
Intuition vs. Experience in Nursing
Your discussion post is to answer this question: What do you think nursing contributes to health care? How can a robotic system incorporate the clinical judgment that nurses use? Be as creative as you wish!
If you can, listen to the following audio clip from National Nurses United’s “Insist on a Registered Nurse” campaign:
NUR2868 Professional Nursing Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership
Discussion of Module 1
What Would You Do in a Professional Ethics Situation?
In today’s health-care climate, nurses have numerous reasons to be conflicted. Nurses may face ethical quandaries in a variety of settings, including genetic testing, abortion, and end-of-life care. Consider your feelings about the following topics:
Respecting a suffering client’s request that he be allowed to die with dignity,
Respecting the desires of the health surrogate about the termination of life support,
Or even observing another nurse take two tablets of oxycodone as ordered but keeping one for herself.
Then give an example of an ethical dilemma you may have confronted in your own clinical experience or workplace. How did you come to the