Posted: November 19th, 2022
NU707 module 6
NU707 module 6 Component 1: Insights (_/50 Points)
After reviewing back through the course materials and reviewing the literature, please answer the following questions:
• Should all advanced practice nursing be guided by theory? Why or why not?
• What is a theory-practice gap?
o Does a theory-practice gap exist today in advanced practice nursing?
o How can the theory-practice gap be narrowed?
• Can DNP/APN prepared nurses help to invigorate nursing theory guided practice and research?
o How can/will they?
• How should non-nursing theory influence nursing science research and advanced practice?
• What role should DNP prepared nurses play in the integration of nursing theory in research and advanced practice?
o How can/will they do this?
o What preparation do they need?
Each question should be thoroughly answered in a scholarly, clear, concise, thorough format, with in-text citations and professional language to support your thoughts, ideas, and opinions. It is acceptable to use the course text as a resource; however, please include a minimum of three (3) scholarly, peer reviewed articles from the literature. Do not use blogs, websites, or Wikipedia.
• Keep each response to posed questions in this section between 75-125 words.
Component 2 Reflection and Application (_/20 Points)
• Concluding the assignment, share your beliefs about how you will apply theory to practice in your role and functions as a DNP/APN to close the theory-practice gap.
• Provide one or more clear examples of how you plan to accomplish this.
• Include a theory/theorist which you can identify as providing significance to your future practice, beginning with the scholarly DNP project.
o Be specific as to why you chose the particular theory/theorist.
• Use in-text citations to support ideas, opinions, and beliefs.
• You must use three required (3) scholarly, peer reviewed journal articles for in-text citation to support your ideas, opinions, and beliefs. Do not use blogs, websites, or Wikipedia. You may use course texts; however, they do not count toward the three required (3) scholarly, peer reviewed journal articles.
• It is acceptable for the student to write in first person (personal pronouns I and me) for this section, as you reflect on how you will make this applicable in your practice.
• Keep each response posed questions in this section between 75-125 words.
• Component 3 Resources (_/20 Points)
• Share a reference listing (APA 7th edition format) in this section (This “Resources” section will serve as your reference page). Include three (3) scholarly, peer reviewed journal articles from the literature. You may also use the course text however, these resources do not count toward the three required (3) scholarly, peer reviewed journal articles.
• APA 7th Edition Guidelines and Scholarly Writing Component (_/10 Points)
• APA 7th edition guidelines are to be followed for in-text citation and formatting. Include a title page and reference page (The “Resources” section is your “Reference Page” for this assignment). Scholarly writing is expected to include proper sentence structure, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.