Posted: May 1st, 2022
NSG6320 Adult Health – Adults & GerontologyWeek 3 SOAP NOTE
SU NSG6320 Week 3 SOAP NOTE Latest
SU NSG6320 Week 3 SOAP NOTE Latest
NSG6320 Adult Health – Adults & GerontologyWeek 3 SOAP NOTE
Each week, you are required to enter your patient encounters into the SU clinical tracking system. Your faculty will be checking to ensure you are seeing the right number and mix of patients for a good learning experience. You will also need to include a minimum of one complete SOAP note using the SOAP note template. The SOAP note should be related to the content covered in this week, and the completed note should be submitted to the Submissions Area.
Choose a SOAP note from an encounter in your clinical setting. It should be from a problem focused encounter. This should not be from a follow up visit. Remove all patient unique identifiers (medical record numbers, social security numbers, addresses, etc.). Convert the note so that it fits in the table format used for the example below (actual SOAP goes in the left column).
For more information, refer to the following:
SOAP Note Assignment Guidelines
Submission Details:
By the due date assigned, enter your patient encounters into the SU clinical tracking system and complete at least one SOAP note in the template provided.
Name your SOAP note document SU_NSG6320_W3_SOAP_LastName_FirstName.
Include the associated case number in your document.
Submit your document to the Submissions Area.