Posted: November 1st, 2022
NS 420 Evidence-Based Research
NS 420 Evidence-Based Research
Grading Criteria: Research Utilization Paper
Criteria: Points Comments/Points
A. Introduction: Selects a topic from the current nursing literature that is important to the nursing profession.
1. Background (Why your group chose this topic)
2. Review of the Literature (Select 4-6 peer-reviewed nursing research studies; a minimum of 1 or 2 should use a nursing theory for the framework of the study(s).
3. Each member will critique one qualitative or one quantitative article according to Step-by-step guides to critiquing quantitative or qualitative research (attached).
B. Intervention Protocol: Combine evidence based on critiques to create a new intervention protocol.
1. Include limitations from each study based on results of individual critiques.
2. Describe sections of interventions tested from original studies.
C. Overall Evaluation and Summary:
1. Explain how this new intervention protocol will improve clinical decision-making in nursing practice.
Power Point Presentation Layout
• Professional appearance
• Each student will present his/her article critique and discuss how it was incorporated into the new intervention protocol.
• Professional PowerPoint; well organized
• Follows PowerPoint Tips for Successful presentation (slide format, font, #words per slide).
• Time Constraints adhered to maintained (20 min)
• Utilized evidence-based research article from peer reviewed nursing research journal
Reference List in APA format
Citations included in slides
Grammar; Spelling
Totals: 100 point
4/22 revised /sp
NS 420 Group Research Paper Grading Rubric: Draft – Part B & C
2nd draft: Due week 10 by 5pm (interventions protocol)
3rd Draft due week 11 by 5pm (Overall evaluation and Summary)