Posted: May 11th, 2022
NRSG 371 Building Healthy Communities (Nursing)
Assessment NRSG 371
Written assessment with 1000 words
– This assessment is a part of subject: Building Healthy Communities (Nursing) That focus on
healthy on an individual, communities, and population in Australia.
– The writing aims to examine a community health issue (Arthritis and musculoskeletal
condition), identify key point where changes can be made.
– Need evidence support.
– The target of this writing is for health care professionals, and the language should contain
appropriate professional terminology.
– Reference – APA 7th 25 references, published recently within 5 years, DOI or website as
functional hyperlink, focus on Australia research or sources.
The structure: Arthritis and musculoskeletal condition from the National Health Priority Area
(NHPA Australia) Reference – APA seventh 25 references, distributed as of late inside 5 years, DOI or site as
practical hyperlink, center around Australia examination or sources.
The construction: Arthritis and musculoskeletal condition from the National Health Priority Area
(NHPA Australia)
– Part A – Describe the impact of arthritis and musculoskeletal condition at all levels of the
individual, the community, and the population.
o Impact on individual
o Impact on community
o Impact on population
– Part B – Outline one key point where changes can be made for each of following: the
individual, the community, and the population. The identified changes should encompass
the role of the nurse.
o key point where changes can be made for the individual
o key point where changes can be made for community
o key point where changes can be made for population
– Part C – Develop an action plan, using evidence-based research, to address the arthritis and
musculoskeletal condition targeting one key area of change that outlined in the part B
(Either individual, community or population).
Utilise a health promotion planning cycle identifying health promotion and illness (arthritis
and musculoskeletal condition) prevention strategies.
– Conclusion
NRSG 371 Building Healthy Communities (Nursing)