Posted: October 16th, 2022
Nonprofits and philanthropic foundations
First discussion (100- 150 WORDS MAX)
Nonprofits and philanthropic foundations often step up in cities to fill in gaps that local government can’t meet. Nonprofits typically take on doing some of the services (like after-school care or workforce development) or giving direct resources (like food banks) whereas philanthropic foundations fund and support the work of the nonprofits and serve as advocates, connectors, conveners, and communicators of important information. The Cleveland Foundation was established in 1914 and is the oldest community foundation in the country. Take a look at the Cleveland Foundation’s programs and impact areas to learn about the work they fund. What impact area is most important to you and/or your community? Please describe why you selected this impact area as most important to you and/or your community.
Second discussion: (100-150 WORDS MAXIMUM)
What type of “street-level bureaucrats” do you have experience with? Have these experiences been mostly positive or negative? In what way?