Posted: March 3rd, 2022
Nichowilliam essay
Write a review of a research article in the outline form listed below. The article must be a quantitative design, pertain directly to counseling, and have been published in a national peer-reviewed counseling journal within the last five years.
Many of these are published by the American Counseling Association; the most current list can be found at Please attach a copy of the article to your assignment.
This assignment is similar to a Search and Find or scavenger hunt. The purpose is to locate each of the components listed in the outline within the article. (For example, where is the research question/s located within the article? Write out the research question and include the page number and paragraph where it can be found.)
Please list the page and paragraph numbers in parentheses of where each item below can be found in the article. Write the number and the question for each section of the outline in your paper and please write in complete sentences. Please do not write in essay format!!!! Just fill in each section of the format.
The following is the format:
1. Write the article citation in APA 7 format at the top of the paper
2. In the introductory section, locate:
a. Statement of the problem( list the pg. # and paragraph where found)
b. Explanation of grounding in the research literature, e.g.( this is what research they are pointing to, what has been done before this issue, where is the author of the article stating that:
i. Smith & Wesson (2012): summary
ii. Turner & Hooch (2004): summary
c. Suggestion of possible contribution to knowledge or practice ( where are they stating possible contributions to knowledge or practice, why is the article or research important, where are they telling the reader that)
d. Research hypotheses, questions, or objectives to be addressed (any hypothesis, questions, or objectives to be addressed need to be identified)
3. In the literature review section, locate:
a. Underlying and related studies, e.g. (list the authors and their studies (list the authors that they studied with a brief summary of what they found; don’t go into a whole lot of detail):
i. Simon & Simon (1992): summary
ii. Brooks & Dunn (2006): summary
b. Critique of previous methods (talk about critique of previous methods; maybe they talk about previous study and say what they missed; list where they say what they missed (paragraph and page #)
c. Prior conclusions (list previous literature conclusion, page #)
d. Applications (what did they use to apply to the current situation)
4. In the research design and methods section, locate:
a. Type of study (Qualitative, quantitative, mixed) (find it and put the page# and paragraph in parenthesis)
b. Population and sample (who were the participants) ( list where they talk about the population and where they talk about the sample)
c. Sample selection (type of sampling used)(how was the sample selected; type of sample used)
d. Instrumentation (how data was collected; what instruments were used; did they use surveys, interviews with survey attached to the end, other type of assessment methods as instruments to gather the data)
5. Data analysis
a. Types conducted (Statistical methods e.g. T-Test, ANOVA, descriptive statistics, etc.) (what type of data analysis used; what kind of statistical method they used to understand and make sense of the data; list where you found in the article and what typed used)
b. Findings of the data analysis (what were the results of the study; list where in the article)
6. Study limitations ( where did they discuss study limitations)
7. Discussion and Conclusions: describing the results and tying them back to the literature
8. Implications for practice or directions for future research(list implications for practice or directions for future research)
From your examination of this article, please answer the following questions
1. How did the researchers address multicultural concerns?
2.What was done well in this article? How could it have been improved?
3. Why is this article important to counselors? How does it advance the counseling profession?
4. In general, how does research advance the counseling profession?
Special notes: Remember to select a quantitative research article, not a meta-analysis or qualitative study. To see an outline of what needs to be included in a quantitative research article please see the APA 7 Manual, p. 77-81.