Posted: February 13th, 2022
Networking Essay
Requirement: Document your home network setup, in as much detail as possible
a) Create a network diagram like Figure 6.3
b) Discuss the components of your network, in well-written paragraphs.
c) Include YOUR OWN system specifics:
•Model names/numbers;•Bandwidth specifications;•Costs;etc.
c) Provide your own feedback about home networking:
•Love it, Hate it, Outsourced it•Your history and past experiences with home networking
Follow the normal requirements for all essays:
– 700 to 800 words
– Use required format
– Must include at least 5 references
Essay Grading
1. Format – Max 10 Points
– Points will be deducted if Required format for essays (see Main Moodle Page for our class) is not followed
2. References – Max 10 Points
– Points will be deducted if references are missing
3. Content – Max 80 Points
3.a (20 points) Word Count: Must be between 700 and 800 words. Points deducted for too few or too many words,
3.b (20 points) Spelling/Grammar: Points deducted for excessive mistakes.
3.c (20 points) Quoted Sources: Points will be deducted for excessive quoting.
3.d (20 points) Your comments and ideas: Points will be deducted if your essay does not include original comments, in your own words.