Posted: April 20th, 2022
Networked Application Management
Networked Application Management
Prepared by: Dr Nirzhar Saha Moderated by: Prof Savitri Bevinakoppa March 2022
Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Trimester T1 2022
Unit Code MN504
Unit Title Networked Application Management
Assessment Type Individual Assignment
Assessment Title Network Analysis using Wireshark
Purpose of the
assessment (with
ULO Mapping) The purpose of this assignment is to assess skills of critical analysis and problem
solving regarding Networked Application Management (NAM). Wireshark will
be used to assess data frames and relevant OSI layer protocols and services.
This assignment assesses the following Unit Learning Outcomes; students
should be able to demonstrate their achievements in them:
a. Compare various technologies and standards for networked application
Weight 5%
Total Marks 50 Marks
Word limit 500 ~ 700
Due Date Week 3 (10/04/2022)
Guidelines • Submit Assignment 1 in a word document in week 3.
• All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a
completed Assignment Cover Page.
• The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri
(Body) font and 2.54 cm margins on all four sides of your page with
appropriate section headings.
Extension • If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration
Application must be submitted directly on AMS. You must submit this
application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment.
Further information is available at:
Misconduct • Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of
the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to
exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make
themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at:
Procedure. For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity
Section in your Unit Description.
MN504 Networked Application Management Page 2 of 3
Prepared by: Dr Nirzhar Saha Moderated by: Prof Savitri Bevinakoppa March 2022
Assignment Description (50 marks)
Assignment 1 is a formative assessment and students must submit the assignment by the end
of week 3. Constructive feedback will be provided. Each student should apply learning from
these feedback in Assignment 2.
You are a Network Analyst at iSecurity Solutions Ltd, located in Sydney, Australia. Your new
client is trying to implement a network security application which requires Wireshark for
network traffic monitoring. As a Network Analyst you will study the suitability of Wireshark
as a network protocol analyzer. Finally, you will prepare a report that should include topics
outlined in the following.
Assignment 1: Network Analysis using Wireshark
Identify potential vulnerabilities on the following topic:
• Your first task is to analyse a Wireshark packet capture. To do this you will access through your browser. The following instructions should be
o Close any open links/pages that are being displayed by your browser.
o Clear your browser cache.
o Access
o Capture and isolate the packet regarding Take a screen
shot and analyse different HTTP packets.
o Next you will use Wireshark filter to isolate specific HTTP packet. Firstly, you
will isolate HTTP ‘GET’ request. Take a screen shot and analyse the HTTP ‘GET’
packet clearly. Secondly, you will use another filter to isolate the HTTP ‘POST’
request. Take a screen shot and analyse the HTTP ‘POST’ packet clearly.
o Now that you now about GET and POST request, do online research to answer
the following question.
▪ Which HTTP request do you need to analyse for finding SQL injection
▪ Briefly discuss about SQL injection attack.
▪ What role can Wireshark play in Network Security Monitoring (NSM) as
a network protocol analyser?
o Write a summary by discussing the structural differences between the two
Additional instructions:
• Do not use Wikipedia either as a source or as a reference.
• Read articles from the books or the ones published in journals and conferences, or
internet articles for each topic and then rewrite those using your own words.
• Use IEEE style referencing, and make sure to properly reference any diagrams/
MN504 Networked Application Management Page 3 of 3
Prepared by: Dr Nirzhar Saha Moderated by: Prof Savitri Bevinakoppa March 2022
Marking Criteria for the Assignment 1:
Sections No. Description of the section Marks
Formative Assignment 1 Introduction • Briefly introduce Wireshark’s role as a
Network Protocol Analyser 5
Packet capture
using Wireshark • Capture and isolate the packet regarding
• Must provide a screen shot of the packet
• Analyse briefly different HTTP packets. 5
Utilisation of the
Wireshark Filter • Provide screen shot of the isolated HTTP
‘GET’ request.
• Write the command in bold letter that
you used to isolate the HTTP ‘GET’
• Analyse the HTTP ‘GET’ packet briefly.
• Provide screen shot of the isolated HTTP
‘POST’ request.
• Provide the command in bold letter that
you used to isolate the HTTP ‘POST’
• Briefly analyse the HTTP ‘POST’ request. 20
(10 + 10)
SQL injection
attack analysis • HTTP request which is needed to be
analysed for finding SQL injection attack.
• Briefly discuss SQL injection attack.
• What role can Wireshark play in Network
Security Monitoring (NSM) as a network
protocol analyser? 15
Conclusion • A comprehensive summary by discussing
the structural differences between the
two requests 5
Total Marks 50
Management of Networked Applications
Dr. Nirzhar Saha wrote this. Prof Savitri Bevinakoppa moderated the discussion. March of 2022
Assessment Specifications and Submission Procedures
T1 Trimester 2022
MN504 (Unit Code)
Networked Application Management is the title of this unit.
Individual Assignment Assessment Type
Network Analysis with Wireshark is the title of the assessment.
The goal of the
evaluation (with)
ULO Mapping) The goal of this assignment is to assess critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
resolving the issue of Networked Application Management (NAM). Wireshark will be used.
be used to evaluate data frames as well as relevant OSI layer protocols and services
This assignment evaluates the Unit Learning Outcomes listed below; students
should be able to show their accomplishments in them:
a. Compare various technologies and standards for networked application
Weight 5%
Total Marks 50 Marks
Word limit 500 ~ 700
Due Date Week 3