Posted: April 20th, 2022
Need sociology help to choose a problem you would like to solve within society
Question description
Step OneChoose a problem you would like to solve within society. This could be about environmental issues, human trafficking, etc. You will use this issue throughout the course and come back to it to look at the issue through a variety of sociological perspectives. Be sure to choose an issue that will allow you to look up peer reviewed sources (academic journals) so that you can review them for the benefit of looking at your issue. The reason for using academic journals is so that you can obtain the most unbiased information possible. This will be especially important for political issues, if you choose these. Political issues must have unbiased data associated with them in order to remove emotional connections. If you do not feel as though you can remove the emotional connection you have to an issue, it is most sincerely important to consider not writing about that issue.VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If you use ProQuest and you choose a specific article, you will see a small icon in the upper right area that says “Cite”. If you click on this, you will get the citation that will be ready for you to copy and paste into your “References” section of the paper.Please offer a brief overview of what the article is that you are choosing for this assignment (approximately 1 page, paraphrased – around 400 words).Step TwoLook at your social problem through the lens of one of these theories: Social Interactionism, Conflict Theory, or Social Functionalist. Develop the discussion strictly in the terms used within your chosen theory. For example, if you chose social interactionism, how have we developed meaning about this social problem from our social perspective? How would someone experiencing the problem develop meaning about the problem?Step ThreeWhat is the offered suggestion for improving this specific problem? How could it be possible to eliminate the problem, according to this specific article, from society? Also, do you feel this is reasonable? Why