Posted: October 27th, 2022
National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP)
Criminal Justice
Title: National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP)
Number of sources: 0
Paper instructions:
The foundation of protecting our nation’s critical infrastructures and key resources is the risk management framework. Risk is the possibility of an unwanted event – the chance of losing something. The goal of risk management is to mitigate loss from a natural or human-made disaster.
For this assignment, read Chapter 3, “The Strategy: Managing Risk,” from NIPP 2013: Partnering for Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience [PDF].
Write a 2–4 page paper in which you:
Analyze the National Infrastructure Protection Plan and Risk Management Framework, including Figure 3 – Critical Infrastructure Risk Management Framework on page 15 of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan, and conclude how it has been designed to protect the nation’s critical infrastructure.
Determine the purpose of the feedback loop design and argue how it strengthens or weakens the model. Justify your response.
Decide if taking a “risk management” approach is suitable for protecting the nation’s critical infrastructure. Support your response.
Choose the one step that is the most important or has the greatest impact on the other steps of the Risk Management Framework and describe why.
Discuss your thoughts on the effectiveness of the NIPP, and suggest one change you would make to the plan. Support your response.
Use the Strayer Online Library, the Internet, or your supplemental resource list to locate at least three quality resources for use in this assignment.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. Please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course for assistance and information. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Examine the strengths and weaknesses of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan and Risk Management Framework.
National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP)
National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) is an approach that the federal government is using in establishing national goals, essentials, and priorities, Establishing the national goals, essentials and priorities is important when it comes to critical infrastructure and resources protection (Homeland). It is through the protection of these infrastructure and key resources that the federal government can distribute the funding and other national resources effectively. Also, the federal government can be able to detect threats, reduces chances of vulnerability, and also minimize the attacks that may happen to these infrastructures and resources.
The National Infrastructure Protection Plan specifies the key initiatives steps and achievements of the National government in protecting infrastructure and the key resources. The plan has established varying concepts that are relevant to the Homeland Security Department in addressing cyber, physical, and human security (Lewis, 2019). The plan has also stated the roles of other federal government institutions such as the Federal Sector-Specific Agencies at the federal level and the state levels.
Figure 3 of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan comprises the Critical Infrastructure Risk Management Framework. The Critical Infrastructure Risk Management Framework enables the federal government in integrating strategies, abilities, and governance in risk-informed decision-making processes (Lopez, Liefer, Busho & Temple, 2017). This Critical Infrastructure Risk Management can apply to all forms of threats; cyber-crimes, terrorism, and natural disasters. The Critical Infrastructure Risk Management also works together with the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment. Threat and Hazard Identification has the role of identifying how potential threats may affect the communities and how to mitigate such threats.
Feedback loop design is a key element in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan which is responsible for maintaining a continuous planning strategy. The Feedback loop design has enabled the federal government to evaluate the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (Lopez, Liefer, Busho & Temple, 2017). This evaluation has been possible through measuring all sectors in the plan and the protection strategies related to threats and risks. From my point of view, the Feedback loop design strengthens the National Infrastructure Protection Plan. The reason is that the Feedback loop design entails gathering information concerning the effectiveness of the plan and from this information, the federal government can decide on the adjustment that it needs to take in improving all sectors.
Taking risk management is suitable when it comes to protecting the nation’s critical infrastructure. The reason why risk management is a suitable approach is that it empowers the federal government to have the necessary tools that it can use to address a possible risk (Lewis, 2019). Another importance of the risk management approach is that it helps the federal government in minimizing the negative consequences as a result of any risk. Another advantage of risk management is that it enables the national government to define and set essential plans.
One of the most important steps in the Risk Management Framework that is beneficial to all other steps is the measure effectiveness approach. The measure effectiveness approach entails the use of evaluation procedures the most essential procedure in this approach is the use of metrics. The reason why I consider the measure effectiveness approach to be significant to other steps is that gives a detailed account of progress in the entire framework, thus enabling the federal government to adjust to improve the framework’s efficiency.
From my thoughts, the National Infrastructure Protection Plan is an effective plan that can guarantee sustainable security of infrastructure and key resources. The reason why I consider the plan to be effective is because of its continuous effective framework in protecting the critical infrastructure and key resources. One of the changes that I think the federal government can apply to raise the plan’s effectiveness is engaging more research from well-informed personnel.
One of the strengths of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan is that it entails a framework involving several government institutions that work together in achieving its efficiency. Another strength of the plan is that it has a continuous evaluation that is responsible that helps to determine shortcomings in the plan. On the other hand, one of the weaknesses of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan is computer insecurity due to poor control.
Homeland Security. National Infrastructure Protection Plan. Gov Library Assets.
Lewis, T. G. (2019). Critical infrastructure protection in homeland security: defending a networked nation. John Wiley & Sons.
Lopez, J., Liefer, N. C., Busho, C. R., & Temple, M. A. (2017). Enhancing critical infrastructure and key resources (CIKR) level-0 physical process security using field device distinct native attribute features. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 13(5), 1215-1229.