Posted: October 15th, 2022
NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct Supplement
NAEYC Supplement Assignment Review the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct Supplement for Early Childhood Program Administrators on pages 360-366 in the textbook Developing & Administering: A Child Care and Education Program. Using the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct Supplement for Early Childhood Program Administrators, respond to the following situation being ethical or not, refer to the Principle or Ideal that supports it. You are a center director and have been approached by the corporation that runs your program and asked to use a scripted academic curriculum that takes up most of each morning. This makes you very uncomfortable. Your continued good relationship with your employer and possibly your job are dependent on your agreeing to this request. The issue: Do you agree, even though you do not believe that htis is in the best interests of children OR do you refuse and risk you job? Response: You agree; you can’t afford to lose your job right now. Write a reflection on a situation you have encountered where referring to this guide would be helpful. If you have not encountered a situation, describe a situation that would be most challenging to you. Describe how you would approach the situation and refer to the specific Ideal or Principle that would support your decision. How could you help staff and families understand the importance of NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct Supplement for Early Childhood Program Administrators? Describe the plan for both staff and families. Be specific what you would say and how you would go about implementing each plan (ex: during a staff meeting, in the family handbook, etc…).