Posted: February 28th, 2022
My Letter From Academy
It feels like such a long time since I last saw you. I know I’ve only been away for only a few weeks, but so far my vacation here at Greece has been great! I’m currently staying at the Academy.
I found a friend who shares the same passion with me in philosophy and he asked me to come with him to this place to meet other people. I’m very glad to stay here, I’ve learned a lot from various people.
Anyways, yesterday I was walking along Agora or the city market and found some really great stuffs to buy and take home. In this place I found many people who are trading and talking about gossip (for women) and politics (for men). After hours of walking, I was able to get to the Hephaisteion. I stayed for a while and witness the beauty of the temple.
At noon, the heat at Athens is topnotch so I stayed at the Stoa for cover. There are two kinds of Stoa, the one I stayed at was the Painted Stoa. It is a long covered hall that is open in one side and is decorated with many beautiful paintings.
I spent almost an hour there and spent the whole time talking to people who get to engage in a conversation with me. It’s really funny though for they will just come up to me and ask me something all of a sudden.
I was so dumbstruck. At the right of Agora are the sacred places that can be found in the city like the Theatre of Dionysos, the Askelpieion, and most of all the Acropolis.
After a while of wandering around, my attention got caught by a group of man loudly arguing among one another. I happened to ask someone about what’s going on and he told me that the male citizen are debating about big decisions that affect the city.
This place that I got into was called the Pnyx, the home of the assembly of people. However, I want to go to some quiet place instead and got interested in following young children each carrying small vases. I noticed I was back at the entrance of the city which was the Karameikos for I used the potteries as a landmark.
By the end of the day, I decided to spend my time at the cemetery and stayed there till sunset. The cemetery was great for it really depicts the culture of the Athenians with their pottery and carvings.
But what interests me most is the people’s daily activities on the city. By what I’ve observed, they’re almost routinary. Different kinds of people have specific type of jobs to finish each day. Even before the day starts people can be seen from all over the place.
I came to ask a man why he was up so early and he said he had a trial and he have to prepare. Women get water from the fountains and traders are up for early trading. By mid-morning, servants are already working on their respective jobs. And by noon, the Agora and almost every plac ein Athens is so busy with people talking, doing business and many more.
By mid afternoon, the place starts to quiet down and shops are preparing to close, this is my favorite part of the day in Athens for it is very peaceful and relaxing. And at last by midnight, servants start to relax and even play games with their friends.
I somehow got used to the busy and loud environment here at Greece. Though I’m not quite used to talking about politics all the time, or even some serious or religious topics like religion and life. Athens is a very economic centered city and almost all people has something to trade and has something to offer as livelihood. A
ll over Greece, the people grew olives, grapes, and figs. They kept goats, for milk and cheese. In the plains, where the soil was more rich, they also grew wheat to make bread. Making it smell like a combination of vegetables and farm animals at the same time.
I really liked it here so far. I wanted to explore the city more but I guess need to have more time. Nevertheless, today I was invited to go to a friend’s house and spend the night there. I’m gonna have to take a look at a Greek house and be amazed once again.
I’ll write to you again very soon. Take care always. See you!