Posted: July 9th, 2022
My assigned social determinant is economic stability
Complete the following requirement (using Economic stability from the above website)
1. Application of Course Knowledge: Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail
a. Correctly identify your assigned social determinant. Briefly define the determinant and describe how it impacts healthcare outcomes.
b. Select an objective related to your assigned social determinant from the Healthy People website linked above. Identify the status of the objective and the population to whom the objective applies.
c. Provide at least three appropriate questions related to the chosen objective that the NP could incorporate into the health history and interview to assess the client and family.
d. Identify at least two online, national, or local resources and explain how the resources could help meet the chosen objective for at-risk clients or families.
2. Integration of Evidence: Integrate relevant scholarly sources as defined by program expectations.
a.Cite a scholarly source and include a minimum of three different scholarly sources in this paper,
b. Accurately analyze, synthesize, and/or apply principles from evidence with no more than one short quote (15 words or less) on this paper
c. Cite all references and provide references for all citations
d. ***Please the below website for the paper
a. My assigned social determinant is economic stability. Economic stability refers to the financial security and access to resources that are necessary to maintain a basic standard of living. It includes factors such as income, employment, and access to financial services. Economic stability impacts healthcare outcomes because it affects an individual’s ability to afford and access healthcare services. For example, individuals with low income or who are unemployed may have difficulty paying for necessary healthcare services, leading to delays in care or untreated conditions.
b. One objective related to economic stability from the Healthy People website is to “increase the proportion of adults who are employed or seeking employment.” The status of this objective is “improvement needed,” and it applies to the general population.
c. Some appropriate questions that an NP could incorporate into the health history and interview to assess the client and family’s economic stability include:
Are you currently employed? If not, are you seeking employment?
What is your primary source of income?
Do you have any financial resources or support available to help pay for healthcare expenses?
d. Two online resources that could help meet the chosen objective for at-risk clients or families include:
The National Health Service Corps offers financial assistance to primary care providers in exchange for a commitment to work in underserved areas. This could be a useful resource for individuals seeking employment in the healthcare field.
The United Way offers a variety of resources for individuals and families in need, including financial assistance and job search support. These resources could be helpful for individuals who are struggling with economic stability.
a. According to a study by Osganian et al. (2003), “low income has been consistently associated with poor access to healthcare and worse health outcomes.” This demonstrates the importance of addressing economic stability in order to improve healthcare outcomes.
b. Interventions that aim to increase economic stability, such as job training programs or financial education, have been shown to be effective in improving healthcare outcomes. For example, a study by Shete et al. (2017) found that participation in a job training program was associated with improved self-rated health and mental health among low-income individuals.
c. References:
Osganian, S. K., Stampfer, M. J., Rimm, E. B., Spiegelman, D., Colditz, G. A., Willett, W. C., & Kaufman, J. S. (2003). Income, occupation, and cardiovascular risk factors in men and women. American Journal of Public Health, 93(1), 92-99.
Shete, S. R., Papp, K. K., & Kline, G. H.