Posted: April 13th, 2023
Muscle And Strength
Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, and Power
1. skeletal
2. muscular strength
3. muscular endurance
4. isokinetic
5. improving cholesterol levels
6. circuit training
7. reversibility principle
8. hypertrophy
9. calisthenics
10. peak strength
11. cardiac
12. isotonic
13. power
14. lowering blood pressure
15. atrophy
16. smooth
17. controlling blood sugar levels
18. isometric
19. plyometrics
Each term above will be used one time to fill in the blanks below:
a) A resistance training technique, where the muscle changes length while using machines or free weights is called __________.
b) __________ is measured by the max amount of force being put into one all out muscular contraction.
c) The speed with which you perform work is __________.
d) A resistance training technique, where the strength training exercises produce forceful, explosive
movements and great stress on the body is called __________.
e) Holding a muscular contraction for a long period of time measures __________.
f) A resistance training technique using the body weight as the resistance to improve strength,
endurance, flexibility, and body composition is called __________.
g) There are three types of muscle fibers: __________, __________, and __________.
h) A resistance training technique, where one moves rapidly from one exercise station to another
exercise station is called __________.
i) In the __________, if strength training is stopped, atrophy begins within 48 hours.
j) Benefits of increasing muscular strength include __________, __________, and __________.
k) A resistance training technique, where the machine provides resistance to match the user’s force
is called ___________.
l) The __________ of a person is between the ages of 20 to 25 years old, after which one loses 1%
of maximal strength every year
m) A decrease in muscle size is __________, and an increase in muscle size is __________.
n) A resistance training technique, where the muscle does not change length is called __________.
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