Posted: September 1st, 2023
Munny is a 45-year-old Cambodian man who lives in Western Sydney with his wife, Ary, and their three children
Munny is a 45-year-old Cambodian man who lives in Western Sydney with his wife, Ary, and their three children, a girl Chan aged 10, and twin sons, Prak and Rith, aged 6 years. He has presented at the community centre with his wife. Ary is very worried that Munny has not been his usual self since he was interviewed by his employer six weeks ago. Munny has worked in a large bakery for the last five years that supplies bread for large supermarket chains. He finds this job stressful because he has to start work at 1 am but he says that he enjoys his work once he gets there. However, when his employer spoke to him, he was very surprised to learn that his employer was not satisfied with his work and that if it did not improve, Munny would lose his job. Since that incident, Munny has become less and less communicative at home. He is taking increasing amounts of sick leave and when he is not at work, he spends most of his time in bed. Now he rarely takes notice of his children, who were previously the centre of his attention, and no longer does anything around the house. Ary is also worried because Munny is not showing any interest in food and believes he has lost a significant amount of weight. Ary says that she has tried to talk to Munny but he only speaks in one word answers and says that he is fine and to leave him alone. Ary tells you that Munny’s family were forced to move from their home into the countryside during the Khmer Rouge period in Cambodia in 1975. His father was shot by the Khmer Rouge. After that, Munny and his mother escaped but had to live in a refugee camp in Thailand until they received a visa to Australia in 1985. After finishing school in Australia, Munny started a degree in law but soon dropped out and started an apprenticeship as a baker. He was always very proud that he could support his family, including his mother. Munny was always very close to his mother, but she died after a long battle with cancer 6 months ago. Although Munny visited his mother every day during her illness, Ary worries that he did not take time off work after she died. She says that Munny just wanted to keep going so he did not have to think about losing his mother. When Munny comes to the centre, he was well dressed but his clothes are loose fitting. He is slumped in his chair and staring at the floor. When he is greeted by the nurse, he does not make eye contact and only gives monosyllabic answers to any questions saying ’fine’ or ’no problems’. However, when the nurse asks if Munny has ever thought about whether life was worth living, he shook his head. When asked how his family might feel if anything happened to him, Munny simply shrugs his shoulders. Munny then asks the nurse to leave him alone because he doesn’t want to talk about anything anymore.
Question 1 – 500 words – 10 marks
Using relevant literature critically discuss the mental health status of the client in the case study.
Your work should make reference to two (2) components of the Mental State Examination (MSE) related explicitly to the case study and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V (DSM V) relevant criteria for Depression.
Marking criteria: The MSE, DSM V and the client’s mental health status are critically discussed with integration of details from high-quality literature.
Question 2 – 500 words – 10 marks
Critically discuss two (2) factors which have contributed to the development of the client’s current mental health status.
You should demonstrate your knowledge of the Stress Vulnerability Model and demonstrate how any history of trauma may impact on the person’s mental health. Your work should clearly identify the contributing factors; make reference to the case study and relevant literature.
Marking criteria: Integrates multiple high-quality literature sources to critically discuss each factor from the case study, the Stress Vulnerability Model and the client’s history of trauma.
Question 3 – 500 words – 5 marks
Respect, empowerment and hope are three (3) positive aspects of mental health recovery. Using relevant literature and the case study, critically discuss how these three (3) principles could positively contribute to the client’s journey of recovery.
You should demonstrate your knowledge of recovery orientated mental health theory and practice.
Marking criteria: Critically discusses recovery orientated mental health theory and practice. Critically discusses three (3) factors which could positively contribute to the client’s recovery from the case study, integrating multiple high-quality sources.
NOTES: (textbooks and journal articles that must be included in answers (2014-2019) not less than 5 years.
• Please use only 5th edition of DSM: (DSM-5 ONLY).
• Mental health care (textbook)
• Journal articles on google scholar. (not less than 5 years).
• Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, Fourth Edition (textbook)
• Reference style: APA 6th Edition