Posted: April 20th, 2022
MSP305-BCN16040 CRAFTING UNIQUE SPORTS EVENTS Mid-term assessment –
MSP305-BCN16040 CRAFTING UNIQUE SPORTS EVENTS Mid-term assessment – Task brief & rubrics
As the course assignment, students will be asked to plan the special event marking the 125th anniversary of the Reial Club de Tennis de Barcelona, an event
which is to be memorable for everyone involved. The main event will consist of an international legends tournament, involving three different divisions: singles
men, singles women, and mixed doubles, with 32 participants in each of the divisions. This Mid-term assessment will deal with the initial phases of that planning.
The Reial Club de Tennis de Barcelona is the main organizer, but Federació Catalana de Tennis and RFET will also play a role.
The competition is to be played in the club facilities, that will need to be properly adjusted, and should also feature an entertainment concept, as well as a strong
hospitality approach.
As the heads of the organizing committee, students will be required to draw a plan including all the areas dealt with in class, ranging from the definition and
description of the stakeholders and their expectations to the conception of the venue, as well as outlining the different functional areas involved. Sustainability
concepts will also be highly valued yet in this first take. The topics the students will be asked to address are (but not limited to):
• Stakeholders involved and the objectives each of them may have in the event.
• Precise organization and distribution of the venue, and justification of the choices made.
• Selection of the most appropriate dates, and justification of that choice.
• Definition of the different areas/departments of the organizing committee and the tasks assigned to each of them.
• Facilities outline.
• Travel & accommodation preliminary considerations.
• Competition format.
• Sustainability concepts to be implemented.
The document needs to include both an introduction, a core with each of the different items/topics dealt with, and a conclusion to summarize the decisions
The task should be submitted as a document (PDF), including the necessary graphic elements to support the decisions made.
Task to be performed in groups of 2/3 students.
• Wordcount: 2000 words.
• Written proposal (Word or PDF document)
• Font: Arial 12,5 pts.
• Text alignment: Justified.
• Any in-text reference and eventual bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.
Submission: Week 5 – Via Moodle (Turnitin). Sunday: 8th May – 23:59 CET.
Weight: This task is a 40% of the total grade for this subject.
It assesses the following learning outcomes:
• Outcome 1: Capacity to identify, describe and prioritize the key elements in the organization, delivery and evaluation of a sports event.
• Outcome 2: Capacity to give theoretical concepts a real-life application, matching the possibilities of an event with the realities/capacities of the hosting
• Outcome 3: Capacity to set up a significant sustainability approach as a key part of the sports event world.
Exceptional 90-100 Good 80-89 Fair 70-79 Marginal fail 60-69
Knowledge &
Understanding (20%)
Student demonstrates
excellent understanding of key
concepts introduced in class
and uses vocabulary
pertinently and with precision.
Student demonstrates good
understanding of the key
concepts dealt with in class
and showcases satisfactory use
of the relevant vocabulary.
Student understands the task
and some of the topics
requested and shows
minimum confidence in the
use of relevant terminology.
Student fails to tackle the key
topics in a solid manner and
shows weak or no confidence in
the use of relevant terminology.
Application (30%) Student demonstrates
excellent capacity to
realistically apply, on a
practical level, the concepts
and items dealt with in class.
Student applies correctly most
part of the key topics dealt
with in class.
Student applies some relevant
knowledge from the topics
delivered in class. Some
misunderstanding may be
Student demonstrates little
capacity to apply the theoretical
knowledge onto the delivery of
the task. Misunderstandings are
Critical Thinking (30%) Student critically assesses in
excellent ways, stablishing
solid argumentation between
his/her choices and the
reasons of that choices, thus
showing prominent capacity to
anticipate eventual issues.
Student critically assesses in
good ways, drawing
conclusions and correct
argumentation of the choices
and proposals made.
Student provides some
insights, but their
argumentation is not solid or
well-defined enough.
References may not be
Student provides little or none
critical thinking insights, does
not provide meaningful
conclusions and is unable to
argument the elements
Communication (10%) Student shows exceptional
capacity to explain and
transmit his/her ideas and to
structure the discourse in a
totally comprehensive manner.
Student is able to
communicate their ideas
clearly and concisely,
respecting word count,
grammar and spellcheck
Student communicates their
ideas with some clarity and
concision. It may be slightly
over or under the wordcount
limit. Some misspelling errors
may be evident.
Student communicates their
ideas in a somewhat unclear
and unconcise way, not
managing to stablish a wellstructured explanation. Does
not reach or does exceed
wordcount excessively and
misspelling errors are evident.
Creativity (10%) Student is able to provide
creative ideas and proposals,
managing to adapt them to the
task required.
Student is able to provide
interesting ideas and
proposals, managing to adapt
them to the task required.
Student is able to provide
ideas and proposals that may
be deemed satisfactory and
manages to adapt them to the
task required.
Student is unable to provide
creative ideas and proposals.
MSP305-BCN16040 CREATING ONE-OF-A-KIND SPORTS EVENTS Mid-term evaluation – Task brief and rubrics
As the course assignment, students will be asked to plan the special event marking the 125th anniversary of the Reial Club de Tennis de Barcelona, an event
which is to be remembered by everyone involved The main event will consist of an international legends tournament, involving three different divisions: singles
men, singles women, and mixed doubles, with 32 participants in each of the divisions. This Mid-term assessment will deal with the initial phases of that planning.
The Reial Club de Tennis de Barcelona is the main organizer, but Federació Catalana de Tennis and RFET will also play a role.
The competition is to be played in the club facilities, that will need to be