Posted: February 24th, 2022
elect one on the following movies and watch it if you have not already. Then, describe a situation in the movie where you saw an equal protection issue or Constitutionally protected right that may have been violated, substantive due process, equal protection., abortion, right to privacy or a criminal issue that arose such as interrogation, search and seizure, stop and frisk. It needs to be a legal issue we covered in this class (e.g., not tax law, probate..,). Briefly describe what happened. Do you believe there was a violation? Why? Is there was not a violation, why? Support your answer with case law, the Constitution or other legal sources we discussed in this class. You response is limited to 400 words or less.
A Time to Kill
To Kill a Mockingbird
12 Angry Men
My Cousin Vinny
Fletch (one or two)
Erin Brockovich
Presumed Innocent
A Few Good Men
Scream (1,2, or 3)
Legally Blonde
In the Name of the Father
A Civil Action
Liar Liar…
Choose one of the films below and watch it if you haven’t previously. Then, describe a scene in the film in which you witnessed an equal protection issue or a Constitutionally protected right being violated, such as substantive due process, equal protection, abortion, the right to privacy, or a criminal issue such as interrogation, search and seizure, or stop and frisk. It must be a legal issue that we discussed in class (e.g., not tax law, probate..,). Describe what happened in detail. Do you think there was a mistake? Why? Is there no violation, and if so, why? Support your response with case law, the Constitution, or other legal sources mentioned in class. Your comment must be 400 words or less.
Once upon a time