Posted: March 3rd, 2022
MOST IMPORTANT. NEED in next 3 hours max.
Reflection and Discussion
Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Respond to the following prompts: “What do I feel are the most important aspects of my learning in the chapters this week?” and “What about this learning was really worthy of my time and understanding?” Then explain how important it is in society or business.
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:
Give an example of an organization that does not use any control systems. Is this justified?
Pick a major U.S. industry, such as automobiles or computers, and discuss the lapses in technology and innovation on the domestic front that permitted foreign competitors to get a foothold and, in some cases, a dominant share of the market. Who or what do you think was to blame for this situation?
In the mid-1980s, General Motors undertook a $5 billion program to introduce robotics and computer-integrated manufacturing techniques into many of its assembly plants. The results were disappointing, to say the least. Enormous technical problems dogged the program from the beginning, and the ultimate gains in productivity were decidedly modest. What do you think went wrong? Why? From the long-term perspective, was the automation program a good idea?
Activity 6:
Activity I: An activity on the critical path of a project was scheduled to be completed within 12 weeks, with a budget of $8,000. During a performance review, which took place 7 weeks after the activity was initiated, it was found that 50% of the work had already been completed and that the actual cost was $4,500.
Calculate the EV of the activity.
Calculate the CI and SI for the activity.
Calculate the expected BAC using the original estimate approach.
Calculate the expected BAC using the revised estimate approach.
Compare and discuss the results obtained in parts (c) and (d).
Activity II: Identify a new product that is based on an innovation in technology, and draw up a strategic technical plan for its development. Be sure to discuss the risk factors at each stage, and indicate how you would deal with each.