Posted: May 1st, 2022
Module 10 Career Exploration Content Page
Module 10 Career Exploration Content Page
Everyone has heard “What do you want to be when you grow up?” And some people have a clear answer and others might have an idea, while still others say ‘I have no idea’. All answers are good! There is no wrong answer. Each person travels down the career paths at different speeds, different paths themselves, different obstacles. And it is all okay.
The purpose of this week’s module is to think about your own career path. Please don’t panic, I am not asking you to define exactly what you are going to do for the rest of your life with no wavering….but what I am inviting you to do is explore. Think. Dream. Research. All of life is a plan-meaning that plans change, so I am not saying that because you explored being a forensic accountant, that that is what you are locked into for the rest of your life. I am encouraging you to think about things that interest you, and how that feeds into your career life. I want you to also think about why you would be good in that job!! Some individuals are just starting out in their career exploration, some individuals have work experience and careers. Regardless, it is important to continue to research what is out there. If you are currently in your dream job-fantastic-continue to research it and how you can continue to enhance your skill set. If you are interested in a career shift-this is a great opportunity to see what else is out there.
The goal for this week is to take time to do some research. We are going to be using the tools that you will be using for your final project (in essence you are starting your final project research!!!) You are going to gather some information for yourself. Think of a couple things that interest you and do some research, and make sure you do research on things that you might not have ever shared with someone! For example….as I was working on my career path, I was really drawn to being a massage therapist, a truck driver, a nurse, and a professional paint and drywall specialist. I didn’t know what I wanted to do, in addition to my passion for education. So I did research and got a better picture of what each profession requires, and I am still passionate about most of them and would love to do them as a side gig some day!
Career Search Assignment
• The assignment for this week is for you to submit me 3 academic goals, through this link, and how it relates to your career path. (For example: Doing an internship in an accounting office will help you better understand the accounting world, or knowing you need a 90 on the praxis exam in order to continue to earn your certification, etc.)
Within this module you will be evaluated on:
• Your course participation in the Discussion Section
• A written submission to me regarding your career exploration process
/// You can pick any Career, but I prefer anything in Technology.
Content Page for Module 10: Career Exploration
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” is a question that everyone has heard. And some people have a certain response, while others may have an idea, and yet others remark, “I have no notion.” All of the responses are excellent! There is no such thing as an incorrect answer. Each person travels down the career paths at different speeds, different paths themselves, different obstacles. And it is all okay.
The purpose of this week’s module is to think about your own career path. Please don’t panic, I am not asking you to define exactly what you are going to do for the rest of your life with no wavering….but what I am inviting you to do is explore. Think. Dream. Research. All of life is