Posted: April 13th, 2023
Modern Organizations And Healthcare
For the Week 6 assignment, you will be developing a slide show of ~ 20 minutes, or ~ 15 slides, not including front and reference pages. The goal is to be an inspirational leader whose team is undergoing serious morale issues and it’s your job to acknowledge and improve the atmosphere. Key points:
Use a variety of graphics to keep the slides interesting
Each bullet is to have no more than 5 words….but you have creative liberty!
Place your speaking notes at the bottom of each PPT slide
Check for spelling and grammar issues
Creativity gets extra points for engagement!
It has come to your attention as the leader of a department that there are on-going statements being made that the “morale” of the organization is the lowest it has ever been. For this assignment you will need to prepare a 20-minute presentation on team building and motivation to be presented to your staff on how you are going to improve morale in the department.
You will prepare a minimum of 15 PowerPoint slides with no more than each bullet (sentence/point) having 5 words. You will attach your notes to the bottom of the PowerPoint slides. You decide the issues that you want to address. Please use your readings from this week to discuss yourself as a leader, influencing, motivating, and morale.
The overall goal of this assignment is to motivate and inspire your staff. Have some fun with this!!!
Click here to view your presentation rubric.