Posted: March 2nd, 2022
Mod10 Discussion – Ethical Issue Clinical Judgment Case Scenario
Mod10 Discussion – Ethical Issue Clinical Judgment Case Scenario
Discussion Topic
Ethical Issue Clinical Judgment Case Scenario
Nurse leaders and managers are responsible for the unit’s ethical and legal decisions.
Initial Post
Consider the examples provided below and describe how you would handle the experiences.
• A manager is not granting pay to someone who worked overtime.
• A nurse manager tolerating verbal abuse of another nurse.
• Constantly short staffing the unit when there is high census.
• A nurse not providing all of the patients’ information during shift report.
• Favoring one staff over others.
• Making a hiring or firing decision based on friendship.
Reply Post
Respond to at least one of your peers about their example that illustrates their interpretation of DECIDE. Expand on your peer’s ideas.
• “Expand on your peer’s ideas” needs more than 1 – 2 sentences for an acceptable reply.
• If you refer to a website or article, be sure to cite it in APA format. This prevents plagiarism and allows your fellow students to review the cites and increase the class knowledge base.
Jenna Carlson
1/11/22, 1:10 AM
• A manager is not granting pay to someone who worked overtime.
As the nurse I would speak to payroll or whoever it is that takes care of the pay. I would ask them the policy about overtime pay and then speak to the manager and educate them about the policy. If the manager still refuses to give them the overtime pay I would then go to the higher up and have them handle the situation because obviously the manager doesn’t wanna listen to me.
• A nurse manager tolerating verbal abuse of another nurse.
For this situation I would speak to the nurse manager and ask why they are tolerating the abuse. I would ask the nurse that is being verbally abusive why she is speaking like that to her coworker and ask herself to remove herself from the situation.
• Constantly short staffing the unit when there is high census.
Short staffing is a major issue today in any healthcare setting. In order to perform safe and adequate care to their patients I would first get all my staff together and discuss what they would like to do and how they would like to handle the situation. Having good communication with each other in a time of short staffing is going to be important in providing safe and excellent care.
• A nurse not providing all of the patients information during shift report.
It is important that I as the oncoming nurse get a full report on my patients so it is my duty to ask the questions and get the information that I need from my report.
• Favoring one staff over others.
When it comes to staff favoritism you are going to encounter that anywhere you work. Personally it doesn’t bother me I just keep my head down and do my job. As a nurse I will try not to show favoritism in the work place.
• Making a hiring or firing decision based on friendship.
When you are a manager, and you are making hiring and firing decisions based on friendships to me that doesn’t sound very manager like. When making decisions like that friendships should not be involved.
Weiss, S., Tappen, R., & Grimley, K. (2019). Essentials of Nursing Leadership & Management (7th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis