Posted: April 13th, 2023
MKT665 DB4 essay
It’s a competition!
Extensions Gone Wild. It is time to present successful brand extensions that are or have been on the market. Can you come up with the BEST (most successful) extension? Do your research, you could be the winner.
Remember that the discussion takes place over two weeks and your weekly posts must be made in the specified week to earn credit.
Since you are nearing the end of this degree program, it is time to reflect and have a good time with this discussion. Identify a brand extension that you believe is successful. Explain why. Use all of your marketing knowledge to analyze why it was successful. Please do not use any of the examples provided in the class lectures.
The Razzies, Marketing Style!
We looked at the good, now to the even more fun: the bad and the ugly. It is time to present the failed brand extensions that are or have been on the market. Can you come up with the WORST (least successful) extension. Do your research, and have fun with this.
Identify a brand extension that you deem unsuccessful. Explain why. Use all of your marketing knowledge to analyze why it failed. Please do not use any of the examples provided in the class lectures.
Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite the source(s) in APA format.