Posted: October 20th, 2022
MITS4004 IT Networking and Communication
IT Networking and Communication
Assignment 1
Due Date: Session 5
Weightage: 20%
Individual Assignment
This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptors.
L01: Identify the operation of the protocols that are used inside the Internet and use the seven--layer model to classify networking topology, protocol, and security needs.
LO2: Evaluate LAN technology issues, including routing and flow control. Explain the difference between switches and routers. Build and troubleshoot Ethernet, Wi--Fi, and Leased line networks. Connect networks with routers.
LO4: Apply the advanced knowledge gained to reflect on the security requirements of a network. Evaluate the issues that surround network applications such as quality of service (QoS) and network performance analysis. Be adaptable to changing requirements.
You are a Network and Security Engineer for the NetSol Consulting Private Limited, which is a leading network and security provider for the small and medium scaled offices.
Task 1: The company is utilizing a layer--by--layer approach to implement the security. Using your expert knowledge on TCP/IP Model and its layers, sketch the TCP/IP protocols and identify at least one protocol used by each layer.
Task 2: At each level of the TCP/IP model, there are security vulnerabilities and therefore, security prevention measures that can be taken to ensure that enterprise applications are protected. As a network and security engineer, your task is to identify the security threats, requirements and propose a solution on each layer. To implement security, the organization is taking a layer-by-layer method. Sketch the TCP/IP protocols and identify at least one protocol used by each tier using your expert understanding of the TCP/IP Model and its layers.
Task 2: There are security vulnerabilities at each level of the TCP/IP paradigm, and hence security preventative measures that can be implemented to ensure that enterprise applications are protected. Your job as a network and security engineer is to identify security threats, needs, and solutions at each layer.
Task 3: Your task is to propose a network design for the small, scaled company and sketch a basic logical network diagram of the office with 5 departments. You are free to assume:
• Name of the Office and Departments
• Networking Hardware’s such as routers, switches, hubs, modems wireless access
points, firewalls etc.
The report should be prepared in Microsoft word and uploaded on to the LMS. The word limit of the report is 2000 words. The report should be a properly constructed as an academic report. The report should include references in IEEE style.
Submission Guidelines:
The report should have a consistent, professional, and well--organized appearance.
1. Your report should include the following: ?? The word limit of the report is 2000 words.
?? The cover page must identify student names and the ID numbers, unit details, and the assignment details.
?? The assignment must use 12--point font size and at least single line spacing with appropriate section headings.
?? In--text referencing in IEEE style must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list.
2. The report must be submitted in soft (electronic) copy as a Microsoft Word document on the LMS in Turnitin drobox. Assignments submitted on the LMS will only be accepted.
3. Late penalty applies on late submission, 10% per day would be deducted.
4. The assignments will go through Turnitin, and plagiarism penalty will be applied.
The report must be submitted in soft (electronic) copy as a Microsoft Word document via the upload link available on Moodle.
Marking Guide: 100 Marks
Task Description Marks
Task 1: Identify protocols on
TCP/IP models Using your expert knowledge on TCP/IP Model and its layers, sketch the TCP/IP protocols and identify at least one protocol used by each layer. 30
Task 2: Identify Security Needs At each level of the TCP/IP model, there are security vulnerabilities and therefore, security prevention measures that can be taken to ensure that enterprise applications are protected. As a network and security engineer, your task is to identify the security threats and propose a solution on each layer. 40
Task 3: Network Design You should propose a network design for the small, scaled company and sketch a basic logical network diagram of the office with 5 departments 20
Report Layout and References The report style, language and structure should be appropriate. Follow IEEE referencing style. 10
Total 100
Rubric: 100 Marks
Criteria Grade A 80--100% Grade B 70--79% Grade C 60--69% Grade D 50--59% Grade F
Below 50
Task 1: Identify protocols on TCP/IP
30 Marks Excellent: Thorough
convincing information presented on identifying protocols on TCP/IP models. Proficient: Adequate information presented on identifying protocols on TCP/IP models. Satisfactory: Uneven and cursory information presented on identifying protocols on TCP/IP models. Unsatisfactory: Minimal information presented on identifying protocols on TCP/IP models
or no use of
sources, facts,
and details.
Not fulfilled the required
Task 2: Identify security needs
40 Marks Excellent: Thorough
convincing information presented on identifying security needs. Proficient: Adequate information presented on identifying protocols on identifying security needs. Satisfactory: Uneven and cursory information presented on identifying protocols on identifying security needs. Unsatisfactory: Minimal information presented on identifying protocols on identifying
security needs.
or no use of
sources, facts,
and details.
Not fulfilled the required
Task 3:
20 Marks Excellent: Student provides a
well-prepared network
design Proficient: Student provides a good network design Satisfactory: Student provides a network design However, there
are some inconsistencies. Unsatisfactory: Incomplete network
design and issues are not
Not fulfilled the required
Report Layout/
10 Marks Depth and complexity of
supported by
engaging and/or pertinent
Evidence analysis, reflection, and insight. Logical
Includes a
compelling introduction,
strong informative body, and satisfying
appropriate paragraph format. Writing has a clear
beginning, middle, and
end. General
use of
appropriate paragraph format. Random or weak
introduction and/or conclusion. Paragraphs
development and
coherence. Not
Poorly written report and layout.