Posted: October 14th, 2022
Practical Questions – Part A
Weightage: 15%
Due date: 23.10.2022 11:59 PM
Late penalty applies on late submission, 20% per day would be deducted 0 mark for LATE Submission more than one week
You will be marked based on your submitted zipped file on Moodle. No excuse will be accepted due to file corruption, absence from lecture or lab classes where details of lab requirements may be given.
Student ID:
Student full name:
This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptors. This assessment covers the following LOs.
LO1 Demonstrate understanding of classes, constructors, objects, data types and instantiation; Convert data types using wrapper methods and objects
LO2 Independently analyse customer requirements and design object-oriented programs using scope, inheritance, and other design techniques; Create classes and objects that access variables and modifier keywords. Develop methods using parameters and return values
LO3 Demonstrate adaptability in building control and loop structures in an object-oriented environment; Demonstrate use of user defined data structures and array manipulation
Project: Comparing Discounts
Problem Description:
Suppose that you got a developer role in the taxation office, your first task is to develop demonstrate a program to store manager in relation to calculate the tax to be paid by the employee for each bracket rate starting from 10% to 20%, with an increment of 1/2. Assume you have been hired as a developer in the taxation office. Your first task will be to create and demonstrate to the store manager a program that will calculate the tax to be paid by the employee for each bracket rate ranging from 10% to 20%, with a 1/2 increment.
Create a program that allows billing staff to enter their annual income (I) and see the tax amount (TA) for each bracket rate (B). Here’s an example:
Write a program that lets the billing staff enter the yearly income (I) and display the tax amount (TA) for each bracket rate (B). Here is a sample run:
Income: 100000
Bracket Rate ___________ Tax Amount
10% $10000
10.5% $10500
11% $11000
9.5 %
20% $20000
End output
Use the formulas below to compute tax rate (DA).
TA = I * B
Design: (Describe the major steps for solving the problem.)
Coding: (Copy and Paste Source Code here. Format your code using Courier 10pts)
Output screenshot: (Paste your output screenshot here)
Testing: (Describe how you test this program)
Submit the following items:
1. Submit this Word document with solution via LMS (you must submit the program)
1. Can you get the first four rows manually? This will help you understand how to compute the numbers mathematically.
2. Can you write a program to produce the first four rows? This will help you see the pattern.
3. Can you generalize it in a loop to produce all the rows?
4. Finally, format the output correctly.
Satisfactory Partially meets the expectation
Do not meet the expectation
Design/Analysis Covered all the aspects and the steps to solve the problem. Covered most of the aspects and important steps to solve the problem. Covered important aspects and required steps to solve the problem. Covered somewhat aspects and few required steps to solve the problem.
Not covered relevant aspects or steps.
3points 2points 1.5 points 1points 0points
Coding Error free and required executable code is submitted covering all the requirements. The code is efficient.
Error free and required executable code is submitted covering all the requirements. Error free and required executable code is submitted covering most of the requirements.
Error free and executable code is submitted covering few requirements.
Not covered relevant aspects or steps.
5points 3.5points 2.5points 1.5points 0points
Output screenshots; Correct answer; Output as per the requirements and with proper formatting.
Output as per the requirements. Output covered most of the requirements.
partially covered the requirement.
Error in code.
5points 3.5points 2.5points 1.5points 0points
Evidence of testing and debugging Well described and in detail evidence of testing and debugging. Well described evidence of testing and debugging. Covered most of the evidence of testing and debugging. Covered somewhat evidence of testing and debugging.
No relevant evidence.
2points 1.5points 1points 0.5points 0points