Posted: June 11th, 2022
MIS300 Mod 3 Critical Thinking
You are tasked with developing a relational database model for an Employee Attendance System. Refer to your reading assignment for a sample relational database model. The purpose of this system is to provide management with a history of attendance at work and the amount of time off taken by employees categorized by type of time off taken, e.g. vacation, sick, and family leave, etc.
The deliverable for this assignment must include:
• A list of the tables in this model for use in the Employee Attendance System. Each table must contain the top three attributes.
• A list of application areas such as Payroll which will be the source of the transactions necessary to update the Employee Attendance System.
• A system diagram of the Employee Attendance System including databases and source data applications.
• Brief narratives explaining your rationale behind the contents of the data model, system diagram, and list of source applications
MIS300 Mod 3 Critical Thinking
A database is a set of collected information organized or structured to relate to a particular subject. Different types of databases exist, including the rational database, which involves the use of tables to link data in common fields allowing data manipulation for easy interpretation and producing results (Harrington, 2016). This paper provides a rational database model for an Employment Attendance System. The system’s purpose is to provide management of employees with a history of attendance at work and the time taken off based on different categories.
Tables in the model for use in the Employee Attendance System
Employee Attendance Table
Entity Attributes
Attendance Attendance id
Attendance employee id
Attendance type
Attendance description
Employees Information Table
Entity Attributes
Employees Employee id
Employee name
Employee mobile
Employee email
Employee username
Employee password
Employee address
Holidays Table
Entity Attributes
Holidays Holidays id
Holidays employee id
Holidays date
Holidays duration
Holidays description
Leave Table
Entity Attributes
Leave Leave id
Leave employee id
Leave type
Leave status
Leave to
Leave from
Leave description
Login Table
Entity Attributes
Login Login id
Login user id
Login role id
Login username
Login password
Login lastlogin
Salary Table
Entity Attributes
Salary Salary id
Salary employee id
Salary amount
Salary total
Salary type
Salary description
Application Areas
Various source data applications are used for a necessary update on the Employee Attendance System to be achieved. They include employee attendance, which will collect information about time and attendance reports for payroll purposes. The source is the PTO tracking, which enables the tacking of employees’ use and accruals of sick and paid time off (Totah, 2020). Scheduling will also be used as a source data application. Scheduling provides a structure by which employees are to attend the job, have holidays, or leaves. The last data source application that will be used is the payroll. Using the payroll management system makes it easy to manage employees’ salaries, bonus gained, health deduction, and other contributions such as those towards retirement programs.
A system diagram of the Employee Attendance System
In the Employees Attendance System, the employee’s details regarding attendance are stored in the Attendance tables. All the entities in the system contain both the primary and unique keys. The binding entities that are binding with a foreign key in the system include Employees and Attendance entities. The relationships that are provided in the Employee Attendance System include one-to-one and one-to-many existing between Leave, Login, Salary, and Attendance. The system diagram used enables the use of normalization of entities, including Attendance, Salary, Holidays, and Login, reducing record duplication.
Employee Attendance System Diagram
The relational database model has been used in the Employee Attendance System due to the advantages that are associated with it. The advantages of the relational model include simplicity in the collection of data. The rational model is also considered easier to use compared to hierarchical and network models due to the application of tables that consist of rows and columns, making it simple to understand (Guru99, 2020). The other advantage that makes the relational model more suitable for the Employee Attendance System is its ability to support high-level query language such as SQL, avoiding the involvement of complex database navigation. The relational database model is also structural and data independence, whereby it only focuses on the data and not with a structure that enables the structure of the database to be changed without caning any application.
Guru99. (2020). Relational Data Model in DBMS: Concepts, Constraints, Example. Retrieved from
Harrington, J. (2016). Relational Database Design and Implementation. 4th edn. Elsevier Science
Totah, Z. (2020). Ways HRIS Applications Effectively Support and Enhance Your Business. SelectHub. Retrieved from