Posted: February 21st, 2022
MINI Cooper – Marketing Plan
BMW, one of the monsters on global automobile market is going to push the new model of MINI Cooper, which have been already identified as one of the most popular family car and sport car for years. A newly designed MINI Cooper will bring a nontraditional touch in the American imagination of how real club car should look like. Paying attention on high efficiency of product development and production capacities of BMW, there is a chance to provide a user with upper class product at very good reasonable value.
It is an important factor, especially, today, at the time of economy downturn. MINI’s face suits at various cultural and psychological portraits, so it became a favorite car across Japan (vanishing out Rover) and the UK. The next targets are New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Miami, which are the best destinations for MINI Clubmen. Speeding up marketing campaign includes specialized staff trainings and mature branding targeted the drivers, who are able to fall in love with automobile MINI spectacle.
BMW is preparing a new marketing campaign for its popular fast, fuel sipping car, MINI Cooper. The motto is “the best clubman car in a history”. Automobile market is characterized by its high competition and high temps of growing, but MINI brand has already won its popularity 45 years ago, and keeps it now before the latest prelaunch of MINI Cooper club car. In the terms of popularity and stability of the brand MINI is far ahead in the competition with popular models produced by Ford, and Volkswagen with its never boring Golf.
However these competing models have been on the market almost the same years as MINI, BMW was always very faithful for initial idea and brand, that’s why changing from family to sport and then club car we are able to recognize beloved MINI Cooper, which welcomes new and new owners to MINI club. A smart policy in branding is a well chosen way to success for Cooper’s marketing team. MINI Cooper‘s attraction goes successfully with its technical possessions as well as with association that it is a piece of national culture.
The car’s image is a combination of sport, fun, fashion, and style, classic, and always different faces. There is one common feature in all MINIs’ trends: it is cheeky and fun loving outrageous personality qualified by respectable BMW trade mark. Although the idea of MINI Cooper cannot be treated as desperate new, it makes a solid step forward winning the audience of young drivers and mature ones, who like to be cheeky covering the age gap.
Honda Civic, Toyota Camry, Scions and MINIs have never been the mainstream cars. Their bizarre look and very specific features draw attraction of specific audience. It is a fight, but after driving MINI, it is essential that nobody try to get back to Scion again. It is an ambitious Clubman and it is a BMW. References: 1. Marketing & Promotions. (2008). Case Study: Mini Cooper. Retrieved on the2nd of June, 2009 from http://www. attackmarketing. net/movie5. php 2. Simms, C. , & Trott, P.
(2007). An Analysis of repositioning of the BMW MINI brand. Business School, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK. P. 3-7. 3. Laverick, S. , & Johnston, S. (1997). The Marketing of a Consumer Icon: MINI Cooper into Japan- coals to Newcastle? University of Derby. UK. Pp. 2-4. 4. Simms, C. , & Trott, P. (2007). The Perceptions of the BMW MINI Brand: The Importance of Historical Association and the Development of the Model. Business School, University of Portsmouth, UK. Pp. 4-6.