Posted: October 29th, 2022
Middle Childhood Physical & Cognitive Development
Middle Childhood Physical & Cognitive Development
For each question discuss and explain using 5-7 examples.
1. What activities have you and your child engaged in together
that could promote health and an interest in physical activity?
2. What are you doing to help your child or what would you do to
help a child?
Read this article and view the videos, then answer the following questions:
What was your initial reaction to these videos? Have you ever attended a Black Friday event? What are some of the reasons you believe people behave while shopping or at a sale event? Are we being manipulated? If so, by whom and how is it being done?
Post initial response of 150-200 words
Define reframing
• Identify 3 common steps that can be used in managing conflict
• Share with your peers a professional encounter where you had to identify a problem and work through it to find a resolution. What steps did you take? Did you utilize the tool of supervision to assist in the resolution of the problem? If so, how? What was the final outcome? Share a professional experience where you had to identify a problem and work through it to find a solution with your peers. How did you proceed? Did you make use of the supervision tool to help you solve the problem? If so, how so? What was the final result?
Click HERE to view a slide show on social class from a study by the New York Times (close the archived page notification to advance to next side, 4 in total).
write at least 400-600 words on the following:
With the New York Times slides in mind, and what you think you know; think about how social class might impact the life of someone with whom you are working in a hospital, school, or other setting. What should you consider in order to be most effective in helping that person or family?