Posted: September 1st, 2023
MGT 3610 – Assignment 4.2 Training Program essay
Unit III: Training and Development
Chapter 7: Training and Developing Employees
Chapter 8: Performance Management and Appraisal
Chapter 9: Managing Careers
Course Material to Study:
• Dessler, G. (2019). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. (5th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
• Power Point presentations: Unit 3
Assignment 4.2: Training Program for New Supervisors (Value: 50 points)
Read carefully what is requested. Also read your Rubric so you may be aware of how you will be evaluated.
Design a training program for new supervisors on how to conduct performance appraisals. Your training program could be a seminar, a conference, a workshop, or any other instructional method (be aware of the difference between them). For this training program you will not do the last three steps of the ADDIE (develop, implement, and evaluation). For this training program, you should prepare between 15-20 slides (one of them must be the title page and one of references) of any electronic presentation, consider the following criteria:
1. Title page
2. Objectives (what is expected to be achieved with training; at least should be three objectives, from simple to complex)
3. Introduction (an overview of what you will be presenting in the following slides)
4. Needs assessment analysis (why it is necessary to give that training to new supervisors)
5. Coordination: when, where, to whom
6. Financial and human resources you will need for training, considering a budget of $500 per session
7. Assignment of responsibilities (who will do what in the training)
8. Estimated training costs based on the budget
9. Seating arrangements (what the room is going to look like)
10. Training design (what topics you will cover on the training to meet objectives)
11. Participant Assessments Form (Evaluation)/Certificate of Participation to be delivered to supervisors
12. Others (References consulted)
Rubric – Written expression of a document (Written Report)
Criteria Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement
Points 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-0
Objectives and
(8 points)
The objectives were established from general to complex.
The introduction included purpose, general presentation of the topic and main topics. The objectives were a little confused.
The introduction included purpose, general presentation of the topic and main topics. Purpose, topics, and objectives require clarification or are not presented objectively.
The introduction does not included purpose. The general presentation of the main topic or subdivisions is not presented. The purpose, topics, and objectives are unclear or were not included.
The introduction was incomplete, ineffective, confusing, or absent. It does not include general presentation of the subject, its main topics or are not relevant.
Points 26-20 19-13 12-7 6-0
Organization and Content
(26 points) Ideas are presented in logical order. It is consistent and fluid in the transition of ideas. Each paragraph has a different idea. Blank space, images or graphs contribute to its organization. Ideas are presented in logical order. It is consistent and fluid in the transition of ideas. Blank space, images or graphs contribute to its organization. Ideas are presented in logical order. It is consistent but the transition of ideas between paragraphs is not presented fluently. You need to add more blank spaces to contribute to its organization. Ideas are presented in logical order. It has no consistency, transitions between paragraphs are poor or none, and the order of paragraphs does not reinforce the content. Blank space, images is not enough to contribute to the organization.
Points 4 3 2 1
(4 points)
It is very original. The method is unique or extraordinarily little used and contributes to the clarification or development of the topic. It catches the audience’s attention. The method is little used or common and contributes to the clarification or development of the topic. It catches the audience’s attention. The method is rare for the topic. It contributes limitedly to the development of the topic. The method is not appropriate for the topic and does not attract the attention of the audience.
Points 4 3 2 1
Grammar and Spelling
(4 points) It has no spelling or grammatical errors. Active voice, appropriate for topic and audience.
It has very few spelling or grammatical errors. Active voice, appropriate for the topic and audience but can convey the message. You have spelling and grammatical errors. The voice is not active and is not appropriate for the subject and audience. Mistakes distract the reader. Shows a lack of care. It has many errors that distract the reader considerably or completely.
Points 4 3 2 1
(4 points) Sources of information are varied and multiple. It relates to the subject, is relevant and up to date. They are reliable. Sources of information are varied and multiple. It is up to date, but some data is not relevant or unrelated to the topic. They are reliable. Sources of information are limited or unvaried. It relates to the topic, but some are not up to date or not relevant. Some data is unreliable or does not contribute to the topic. The sources of information are very few or none. If you use fonts, they are unreliable and do not contribute to the topic. The information has little or no relation to the subject.
Points 4 3 2 1
APA style and format
(4 points) The document fully complies with the APA 6th/7th edition style, including at least 3 current literary sources. The document performs quite well with the APA 6th/7th edition style, including at least 2 current literary sources. The document reasonably complies with the APA 6th/7th edition style, including at least 1 current literary source. The document does not reasonably comply with the APA 6th/7th edition style and does not include current literary sources.
Obtained/Available XX/50