Assignment 1: Management at One Smooth Stone Assignment
Compose a two-part analysis (750-1,000 words total for parts 1 and 2 combined).
Please note that the two-part analysis deadline is at the end of Topic 2.
Part 1
Address the following in Topic 1:
1. View “One Smooth Stone.”
2. Students can gain additional insight on the company by viewing the company’s promo video and website at the following links:
a. One Smooth Stone:
b. One Smooth Stone: Giving Back:
3. Address the following questions:
a. How do Mark Ledogar and Gary Vik exemplify the definition of management?
b. Which of Mintzberg’s managerial roles do Ledogar and Vik display in the video?
c. Which of Katz’s management skills are evident in this video?
d. In what way is One Smooth Stone an open system? Explain your answer.
Part 2
Based on the videos and your responses to the questions in Part 1, describe in an essay how One Smooth Stone demonstrates/applies any three management theories discussed in the text.
In your response, for each of the three management theories selected, be sure to address each of the following management approaches: classical, behavioral, and modern management. (Modern management approaches include the quantitative, systems, contingency, quality-management, or learning organization viewpoints).
Reflecting on your organization and address the following:
- How does management in your organization compare to management at One Smooth Stone?
- What two management theories are currently being applied in your organization? Do you believe they are the most effective choices? Why or why not?
Cite two academic references in your analysis. Academic references include the textbook, the additional readings in the course, or any article from the GCU Library. You may use information found online but online encyclopedias (e.g., Wikipedia) and blogs do not count as academic references.
Do not exceed the word limit. For full credit, make sure that your Turnitin Similarity Index does not exceed 15%.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
Assignment 2: CLC: An Analysis of General Motors
Write an essay (1,250-1,500 words) that addresses the following:
- What deficiencies in the four functions of management led to the faulty ignition switch problem and GM recalls?
- Describe the organizational structure of GM at the time of the recall and discuss whether it has changed. Do you think GM’s structure is the most effective structure for the organization?
- Which organizational design type, mechanistic or organic, existed at the time of the recalls? Do you think that design is the best fit for GM? If not, what is?
- To help GM manage their operations, recommend one strategic, tactical, and operational plan that would help GM avoid any such problems in the future.
- Describe the organizational culture of General Motors at the time of the recall. Was it the most effective culture? Has it changed? If so, has it changed for the better? Present supporting evidence.
- Explain how GM went wrong in employing the four steps of the control process prior to recalls. What changes should they make to this process moving forward?
- Suggest principles GM should adopt to make them a servant leader in the automotive industry.
Cite four academic references in your analysis. Academic references include the textbook, the readings, or any article from the GCU Library. You may use information found online but online encyclopedias (e.g., Wikipedia) and blogs do not count as academic references.
Do not exceed the word limit. For full credit, make sure that your Turnitin Similarity Index does not exceed 15%.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
Assignment 3: Motivation and the Challenges of Management
Go to Fortune’s best companies to work for at:
Select one company to conduct research on and create a presentation (12-15 slides) to present your findings on the following:
- Explain how the organization motivates, or builds and maintains the morale, of any three of its stakeholders using one content, one process, and one reinforcement theory.
- Describe how the organization has been both effective and efficient in its communication with those three stakeholders. Support with evidence from a source.
- Identify and discuss any three of the major 21st-century challenges the organization faces.
- Analyze the efforts of the organization to manage or overcome each of these challenges. Support with evidence from a source.
- What would you do differently in managing those efforts? Integrate a faith/worldview-based component into the presentation in this section. Include a clear explanation of how that worldview relates to or supports the group’s management philosophy.
Select a journal article from the GCU Library on one 21st-century challenge that relates to your chosen organization. Analyze and integrate the article into your presentation. You must incorporate a minimum of two other academic sources as evidence as well. The presentation must demonstrate a comprehensive integration of both management theory and practice.
The presentation slides will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Usefulness in enhancing and reinforcing learning
- Visual appeal
- Correct integration and citation of required academic references
Slides must be accompanied by the notes you would use if you were actually going to deliver the presentation.
Assignment 4: Manager Interview Essay and Consent letter
For this assignment, you will write a reflection on what you learned about management in the course. As part of the assignment, you will conduct an interview with a manager of a local business to get a first-hand perspective on the challenges of management and the techniques others have found successful for effective leadership, motivation, and communication.
Select a manager of a local business to interview and contact the person to set up an appointment. You may conduct your interview in person or via phone.
Prepare a list of five to seven questions for your interview. Your questions should focus on how the manager executes the four functions of management functions as well as the challenges related to motivating and communicating with employees and clients in the business environment. In particular, try to discover how the demands of technology-mediated communication, such as communicating via social media channels, impact manager-employee relationships.
Remember that managers have many commitments so try to schedule your interview well in advance of the assignment’s due date. You should present the attached consent letter to the person you intend to interview.
After you complete the interview, write a 1,000-1,250-word reflection on what you learned in the interview and this course. Address the following in your response:
- What are the most valuable things you learned about the four functions of management, in a practical sense, as well as motivation and communication techniques?
- Identify some of the significant challenges you believe you might face as a manager.
- Discuss your own personal strengths and weaknesses as a manager. What do you think you need to work on to improve your own capabilities?
- How might you apply what you learned in your interview and this course to be a more effective manager?
In an appendix at the end of the essay, provide an interview summary that includes the following information:
- The name of the person you interviewed and number of years the person has been a manager.
- The name of the company at which the person is currently employed.
- How long the person has been a manager at the current company and what their managerial level is.
- Date of the interview and whether it took place in person or via phone or other type of medium.
- Contact information for the person you interviewed.
- The list of your interview questions and responses provided.
- Signed consent letter.
Cite two academic references in your essay. Academic references include the textbook, the additional readings in the course, or any article from the GCU Library. You may use information found online but online encyclopedias (e.g., Wikipedia) and blogs do not count as academic references.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.