Posted: October 20th, 2022
Mental Wealth
Mental Wealth
Computer Sciences and Information Technology
Task 1: Initial Self Assessment
Self-assessment processes are very important in helping us examine ourselves to discover and learn more about our strengths and weaknesses. Johnson (2012) argues that during an assessment process, it becomes an essay to find out about our habits, attitudes, and overall behavior, thus discovering the areas that we are doing well and those that require adjustments to improve. As such, self-assessment or reflections form the foundation of a successful future. This self-assessment checklist will help me evaluate my current skill sets, strengths, and establish the areas that need improvement before this term ends.
Initial Self Assessment Checklist
Initial Self Assessment Checklist
Strengths Weaknesses
Critical thinking skills – Before the beginning of this term, I noticed that my critical thinking skills had improved significantly. Many are the times where I was often faced with challenging situations and were unable to make the right choice. However, in the recent past, my decision making and critical thinking have improved significantly, and it is evidenced by my ability to make wiser decisions than before.
My stress management, especially when handling tight deadlines, is also an area that needs big improvement. I tend to be very slow to complete my work, which makes it very challenging, especially when handling tight deadlines. Going forward, I will have to spend more time practicing to improve on overall stress management and handling of short deadlines.
Personal development – as suggested above, with improvements in my decision making and critical thinking skills, it has led to improved personal development. For example, today, I’m able to handle various leadership roles more calmly, which I believe is linked with my improved ability to reason critically and make effective decisions.
Academic skills – there are various aspects of my academic skills that have developed significantly. For instance, I’m now able to study for longer hours and read extensively than ever before. However, I still believe that there is a lot of work that needs to be done in this field. For instance, I will need to work more on how I conduct my research studies and present my work.
Life and work skills- this is another one of my strengths, and it comes out clearly with my ability to communicate effectively both in writing and speech. This has allowed me to work well with others in various group tasks.
High School Certificate – Passed with flying colors and best of my class
Higher Education – Currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree at the University of East London
Critical Thinking Skills- My decision making and critical thinking continues to improve gradually, and I’m now able to handle challenging tasks both in my classwork and job environment
Life And Work Skills- this is another one of my strengths, and it comes out clearly with my ability to communicate effectively both in writing and speech. This has allowed me to work well with others in various group tasks.
Leadership Skills – I’m able to handle various leadership roles more calmly, which I believe is linked with my improved ability to reason critically and make effective decisions.
Teamwork- I’m able to work with others effectively, which is a skill mainly acquired when playing rugby since my junior years.
Leadership Award– For being the best performing student leader during my final year in high school
Sports Award – For finishing in the first position of the interuniversity rugby championship
English (native)
Classical Latin (written)
Task 2: Individual Time Management Plan
Today we live in a very busy world, and student’s time management skills are increasingly becoming important. To have realistic chances of attaining any of our goals, artsengel, and Kurtoglu (2013) note that there is a serious need for having an intentional and strategic time management plan that aligns perfectly with our goals and allows us to make steady progress towards realizing these goals. Time has been described as a very valuable resource that, when well-controlled, can help us gain more control over our lives. In other words, effective time management allows us to finish our work in a timely fashion while attaining balance in our lives. This comprehensive time management plan touches on how I will spend my time on various tasks ranging from academic tasks deadlines to personal development deadlines.
Weekday Individual Time Management Plan
Task Time Comments
Waking Up and Breakfast 7:00 am Spend 2 hours in the morning making breakfast and preparing for the day ahead
Attend Morning classes 9:00 am Each class is 2 hours, and they follow each other consecutively with no break between
Lunch Break 12:00 pm A 2-hour break will spend one hour taking my launch and the other hour reflecting on materials learned during morning classes
Attend Evening Classes 2:00 pm The final class of the day and takes 2 hours
Attend Rugby Training 4:00 pm This is my main co-curricular activity where I’m part of the UEL rugby team
Relax 6: 00 pm Relax for about 3 hours in the evening as I take my dinner and reflect on other activities of the day
Retire to Bed 9: 00 pm Retire to bed and repeat the same program tomorrow until the weekend.
Task 3: Proposal for Pitch Idea
Innovation can be referred to as the process through which an idea is made into a good product or service with significant value that potential customers are willing to purchase or invest in it (Armisen & Majchrzak, 2015). Today’s marketplace has business enterprises working tirelessly to develop unique products that will help beat the fierce competition in the marketplace while ensuring that customers remain happy. Statistics show that nearly 84% of global business executives believe in innovation as an effective growth strategy (McKinsey, 2019). In other words, the modern organization is leveraging innovative technology to increase the value of its products and services to attract more customers in a fierce marketplace. Today innovative use of technology with business potential can be applied in the education sector by adopting techniques such as gamification and the use of learning videos to enhance student understanding while at the same time using as a good business opportunity. As such, this proposal suggests how gamification and learning videos can be used as innovative technology within a school environment while at the same time offering good business opportunities.
Leaning has always been described as the best strategy for understanding complex concepts, and it is true to all students. When complex concepts are taught in the form of games, most students get a better understanding of what is being taught because they are more involved in the coursework. For example, to enhance student’s typing speeds, typing games can be created to encourage them to get involved and enhance their speed in the process (Raphael, 2018). Additionally, it can also be applied in other subjects like mathematics, where the different mathematical models can be developed into computer games for students to play and, in the process, learn valuable lessons. Applying such techniques tends to invoke excitement and fun among students and encourage teamwork in class, which are factors that can lead to improved learning processes.
Similarly, some students understand they develop a better understanding of different concepts when it is done visually. As such, developing videos for teaching is an innovative way through which technology can be applied to enhance the learning process. Using applications like Hippo Video, digital whiteboards can be recorded to explain different educational concepts, record classroom activities, and give peer presentations in video formats, among other uses (Krämer & Böhrs, 2017). With many video sharing platforms available today, such as Youtube or Google classrooms, making educational videos has become a more effective learning strategy.
With the demand for gamification and educational videos likely to go up due to increased use of technology in modern learning, it would provide a good business opportunity to gaming and video production companies. As such, this proposal suggests that these companies should capitalize on this demand to enhance to produce better quality videos and games to improve the current educational landscape while at the same time capitalize on the enormous business opportunity that comes with undertaking this business venture.
Task 5: IT Innovation Report
For a long time, teachers and instructors often struggled with motivating students and keeping their concentration on course. Today students have to undertake a lot of activities in their classrooms other than just learning. As a consequence, many academic institutions and universities have been searching for innovative ways to increase student’s engagement and keep them interested and motivated. Studies show that the education gamification market across the globe is estimated to more than $93million by the year 2020, with this figure expected to explode before 2023 to be more than $1.3 million (Kim, Song, Lockee & Burton, 2017). This innovative learning technology applies gaming mechanics such as points, leader boards, and badges to enhance the way a specific learning course is undertaken or taught.
As a consequence, studies show that learner’s motivation improves significantly. At the same time, the design of these games offers learners the freedom to face various learning challenges where they might fail and still the motivation to continue playing again (Kim, Song, Lockee & Burton, 2017). As such, applying such techniques tend to invoke excitement and fun among students and encourage teamwork in class, which is a factor that can lead to improved learning processes.
Gamification and learning
Virtual learning environments are the tools commonly used to implement gamification in education, mainly because they provide the most functionality necessary to support learning activities through gamification (Zaric, Scepanovic & Schroeder, 2018). The three most important aspects to consider in this proposal are that the gamification tools that will be used for learning will have to involve goal-focused activities, progress tracking, and reward mechanisms.
In this case, the activities that are proposed in these games need to be goal-oriented with an established combination of events, obstacles to overcome, and accomplishments to achieve to complete a specific activity. In other words, the structures of games applied are in such a way that the players have to complete various levels to achieve their goal, and each level is supposed to get increasingly harder once the initial task is complete. Zaric, Scepanovic, and Schroeder (2018) argues that adopting this game design is crucial because it allows participants to practice different skills while learning with the mastery of these skills being among the challenging aspects of undertaking such games. From this description, it is quite clear that there are a lot of similarities between learning and gaming because, in both cases, participants are directed on how to undertake specific tasks within the intention of realizing specific outcomes before advancing to the mission or level. By adopting this technology, learners can be able to master specific tasks, thus allowing them to understand complex learning activities.
With this understanding, it means that various course activities can now be designed as structured game activities. For example, before completing any given course, learners are supposed to have completed several modules. Similarly, to complete a given module, several topics have also to be completed, and to finish a given topic, several objectives have to be met with each objective requiring several goals to complete it (Kim, Song, Lockee & Burton, 2017).
Another important aspect that will be considered in this proposal is that points will be used as the most common and ideal game reward mechanics. In other words, they will be used as a reporting mechanism with the easiest strategy being to use them to report achievements and performance. Each level will have specific points associated with it, where the higher the level achieved, the more the points accumulated (Kim, Song, Lockee & Burton, 2017).
When this concept is applied to gamification, the levels used in the game will represent the learning units or lessons. I this case, the levels will refer to the difficulty of the task used to grade student’s performance. For instance, student’s grades in this scenario will refer to the points accumulated at each level. They will form the scores appearing on the scoreboards with achievements giving recognition to the activities that are completed by each player (Kim, Song, Lockee & Burton, 2017). In a gaming platform, achievements are recognized using icons displayed publicly on the participant’s online profiles. Adopting these Open Badge standards helps learners and institutions to define a specific badge or achievement hence recognizing the skills and knowledge represented by every single badge (Kim, Song, Lockee & Burton, 2017).
Progress tracking forms an important and necessary element of every game, which is similar to the availability of a feedback loop within the education system (Kim, Song, Lockee & Burton, 2017). These feedback loops allow participants to have an idea of the progress they have made. Many techniques can be used to give an effective representation of the participant’s performance, with a graphical representation being an ideal method. Additionally, progress bars or character upgrades can also be used to show the progress made with specific games (Kim, Song, Lockee & Burton, 2017).
Finally, a significant part of a successful gamification process is founded on solid learning material and content. Since learning is a linear process, the best approach for this proposal would be to give it in a linear manner such that students shouldn’t see the next steps without finishing the previous ones (Kim, Song, Lockee & Burton, 2017). Additionally, students should have all the literature and materials necessary to finish a specific task. This fact implies that students shouldn’t be obstructed from accomplishing any goals by anything else apart from their skills or knowledge.
Although there is evidence to demonstrate that gamification enhances practical tasks in class, but its ability to enhance understanding of theoretical knowledge remains unclear (Kim, Song, Lockee & Burton, 2017). This fact explains why there is a need to support gamification with other technological innovations, such as the use of educational videos. Some students develop a better understanding of different concepts when it is done visually. As such, developing videos for teaching is an innovative way through which technology can be applied to enhance the learning process. Using applications like Hippo Video, digital whiteboards can be recorded to explain different educational concepts, record classroom activities, and give peer presentations in video formats, among other uses (Kim, Song, Lockee & Burton, 2017). With many video sharing platforms available today, such as Youtube or Google classrooms, making educational videos has become a more effective learning strategy. Common evaluation mechanisms can be used to make evaluations on whether the students have understood the learning materials presented in these videos.
The increased use of e-learning is expected to increase the demand for educational videos and gamification. This implies that organizations specializing in gaming and video production will benefit immensely from this development because it provides a good business opportunity (Kim, Song, Lockee & Burton, 2017). As such, this report concludes that gamification and educational videos provide a significant opportunity that should be capitalized on this demand. With better quality videos and games, it will improve the current educational landscape. At the same time, capitalize on the enormous business opportunity that comes with undertaking such an enterprise.
Task 6: IT Innovation Report
Final Self Assessment Checklist
Initial Self Assessment Checklist
Strengths Weaknesses
Critical thinking skills – Before the beginning of this term, I noticed that my critical thinking skills had improved significantly. Many are the times where I was often faced with challenging situations and were unable to make the right choice. However, in the recent past, my decision making and critical thinking have improved significantly, and it is evidenced by my ability to make wiser decisions than before.
Personal development – as suggested above, with improvements in my decision making and critical thinking skills, it has led to improved personal development. For example, today, I’m able to handle various leadership roles more calmly, which I believe is linked with my improved ability to reason critically and make effective decisions.
Life and work skills- this is another one of my strengths, and it comes out clearly with my ability to communicate effectively both in writing and speech. This has allowed me to work well with others in various group tasks.
Initially, my stress management, especially when handling tight deadlines, was poor and requiring great improvement. However, after spending more time practicing on my weaknesses, I improved my overall stress management and handling of short deadlines.
Academic skills – there are various aspects of my academic skills that have developed significantly. For instance, I’m now able to study for longer hours and read extensively than ever before. This term, I have managed to work more on how I conduct my research studies and present my work with huge success.
High School Certificate – Passed with flying colors and best of my class
Higher Education – Currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree at the University of East London
Critical Thinking Skills- My decision making and critical thinking continues to improve gradually, and I’m now able to handle challenging tasks both in my classwork and job environment
Life And Work Skills- this is another one of my strengths, and it comes out clearly with my ability to communicate effectively both in writing and speech. This has allowed me to work well with others in various group tasks.
Leadership Skills – I’m able to handle various leadership roles more calmly, which I believe is linked with my improved ability to reason critically and make effective decisions.
Teamwork- I’m able to work with others effectively, which is a skill mainly acquired when playing rugby since my junior years.
Stress Management – After spending more time practicing on my weaknesses, I improved on my overall stress management and handling of short deadlines.
Leadership Award– For being the best performing student leader during my final year in high school
Sports Award – For finishing in the first position of the interuniversity rugby championship
English (native)
Classical Latin (written)
Aartsengel, A. V., & Kurtoglu, S. (2013). Develop a Time Management Plan. Handbook on Continuous Improvement Transformation, 143–154. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-35901-9_10
Armisen, A., & Majchrzak, A. (2015). Tapping the innovative business potential of innovation contests. Business Horizons, 58(4), 389–399. DOI: 10.1016/j.bushor.2015.03.004
Johnson, W. B. (2012). Why Self-Assessments of Competence Are Often Incompetent. PsycEXTRA Dataset. DOI: 10.1037/e635232012-001
Kim, S., Song, K., Lockee, B., & Burton, J. (2017). Students’ Perception of Gamification in Learning and Education. Gamification in Learning and Education, 49–57. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-47283-6_6
Kim, S., Song, K., Lockee, B., & Burton, J. (2017). Gamification Cases in Education. Gamification in Learning and Education, 117–123. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-47283-6_10
Kotani, I., & Tzelepi, S. (2014). A Gamification-Based Framework for Developing Learning Activities of Computational Thinking. Gamification in Education and Business, 219–252. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-10208-5_12
Krämer, A., & Böhrs, S. (2017). The Use of Explainer Videos as a Learning Tool: An Internal and External View. On the Line, 189–202. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-62776-2_15
McKinsey. (2019). Leadership and innovation. Retrieved from
Raphael, R. (2018). Towards a Model of Playful Learning. Gamification in Education, 397–414. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5198-0.ch021
Zaric, N., Scepanovic, S., & Schroeder, U. (2018). Learning Style Gamification Model: Gamification In E-Learning Based On Students’ Learning Styles. ICERI2018 Proceedings. DOI: 10.21125/iceri.2018.2068