Posted: April 20th, 2022
Mental health diagnosis
Mental health diagnosis
Assessment task lA & 10 — Case Study 2— Lorenzo (Case Study and information is fictional)
Mental health diagnosis (if relevant): No previous diagnosis, though client notes previously seeing a counsellor because of his low mood at the time.
Client history: Mr Bucci (Lorenzo) is a 77-year-old man of Italian heritage who immigrated to Australia with his wife and two young children in the 19805. Lorenzo and his wife speak Italian at home and prefer to speak their native language when discussing anything important, though Lorenzo does speak English well.
Lorenzo has been referred for counselling by his GP who notes there have been some significant changes in his recent mood. Lorenzo reports that for the last few months he has been feeling ‘not like himself’. He also reports he is not motivated to partake in previously enjoyed activities such as gardening and his weekly dancing group.
Lorenzo notes that he does not feel very connected to his wife and is worried that his wife is growing less attracted to him as he ages. Lorenzo understands that his grown-up children, are busy caring for children of their own, but he wishes that he could see them more often.
Lorenzo does not really know why he started feeling so down, though he feels it may be due to a particularly stressful incident that occurred in his volunteer position a few months ago, when another volunteer fell and broke their hip resulting in a long period of hospitalisation and rehabilitation. This coincided with a close friend being diagnosed with a terminal illness a year ago and subsequently passing away three months ago.
He has reported feeling the ‘blues’ before but is often able to pull himself out of his low mood. This time seems different though as he has never withdrawn from his social activities and stopped seeing his friends before. He feels that he has been able to overcome these feelings in the past because of the support of his wife, but since he has not been feeling close to her, it has been hard to stop feeling so low.
He has also reported trouble sleeping and weight loss, which he attributes to his loss of appetite. Relevant medications: Lorenzo has expressed reluctance regarding mood regulating medication Risk to self or others: Low
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Mental health assessment task lA & 10 — Case Study 2 — Lorenzo (The case study and information are fictitious.)
Mental health diagnosis (if applicable): No previous diagnosis, though the client recalls seeing a counsellor previously due to his low mood at the time.
Mr Bucci (Lorenzo) is a 77-year-old Italian-born man who immigrated to Australia with his wife and two young children in the 1980s5. Lorenzo and his wife speak Italian at home and prefer to discuss important matters in their native language, though Lorenzo is fluent in English.
Lorenzo has been referred for counselling by his GP, who has noticed some significant changes in his mood recently. Lorenzo claims that he has been feeling ‘not himself’ for the last few months.