Posted: August 31st, 2022
Mental Disorders
Mental Disorders
Mental disorders or mental illnesses is an umbrella term that represents quite a wide range of mental health problems that disrupt a person’s thinking, mood, emotions, behaviors, and how one relates with other people. The most common and severe mental conditions include depression, bipolar disorder, panic and anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder OCD. Like other severe health conditions, mental diseases can interfere with our daily activities and even become life-threatening. Luckily, most of these conditions are manageable and treatable.
Symptoms of Mental Disorders.
The symptoms vary depending on the type of disorder. However, most of these symptoms tend to intersect and calls for a qualified mental professional to identify and make a proper diagnosis. Typically, mental disorders are characterized by unexplained changes in mood, irregular thought patterns, withdrawal from family and friends, changes in eating and sleeping habits, increased irritability, drug and substance abuse, paranoia and hallucinations, suicidal thoughts, among others. Many people experience some of these symptoms from time to time. However, these symptoms become a concern when they persist and begin to affect your ability to function normally.
Causes of Mental Disorders
There is no specific causative agent responsible for mental disorders. Instead, there are various contributing factors, including genetic, phycological, and environmental factors. For instance, people with a family history of mental health disorders are more likely to develop mental disorders. The genetic composition of an individual may put one at a higher risk of developing mental illnesses. Psychological factors such as the nature of upbringing and exposure to harmful substances such as toxins, drugs, and alcohol also precipitate the probability of developing a mental disorder. Brain chemistry and impaired neurotransmitters also make one prone to developing a mental illness.
Risk Factors
Contrary to what most people think, mental disorders are quite common. In fact, one in every five adults in the United States develops a mental disorder every year. Mental illnesses do not discriminate. They can affect people of all races, gender, and age. However, more cases are seen in young children. The ability to manage stress, emotions, and behaviors in life greatly determines if one develops a mental disorder. Poor living and working conditions, as well as substance abuse problems, also precipitate the likelihood of a person developing a mental illness.
Treatment of mental disorder involves the use of different medications in conjunction with therapy. Common medications used to treat mental disorders include antidepressants, antipsychotic drugs, and mood stabilizers. Severe cases of mental disorders may demand more intensive treatment options, including admission to a psychiatric hospital. In addition to health care support, people who have mental illness require extra social support and care from family and friends.